Tuesday, May 31, 2022


Would I walk on fire? Yes I would. It's actually not that big of a deal, as long as you don't dally. The "secret" is to simply walk, but not run, at a brisk pace, but other than that, you don't have to do anything special.  You don't have to meditate, swear allegiance to Satan, rub asbestos on your feet or even get wasted...you just have to step lively. Anyone can do it.

 An interesting thing happens when bare foot meets hot coals. The sweat on the bottom of the foot is instantly vaporized into steam, and for a fraction of a second it provides a barrier between skin and fire, and keeps the foot from getting burned, but only briefly, which is why you have to walk a bit quickly. Lifting the foot also allows the steam to poof away before it can burn you. It repeats with every step. It's pretty cool.

 It's basically the same thing that allows you to take a cotton ball, soak it an alcohol, and light it right in the palm of your hand, as long as you don't let it linger for more than about half a second. You have to quickly pass it to the other hand, and keep tossing it back and forth. You'll feel some heat, but nowhere near enough to burn you or cause pain. If you let the cotton ball stay in your hand for more than a second, it'll burn the shit out of you, and much less time than that when walking on hot coals. 

 Even if you know how it works, and I'm guessing most people don't, it's still a badass thing to do. I'm sure the adrenaline rush is about as good as it gets. Fire is one of the most primal things. It can be a great tool for boosting self-confidence, overcoming fears and such, but when they try to add a "mystical" element to it, I have a problem, because exploiting Physics for profit and bullshit is against my religion. There are many organizations that organize firewalks, for a fee, and again, it depends on their approach. 

 I think firewalking would be a great thing to do for anyone who can locomote normally. For some people I'm sure it's life-changing, and for others a good thrill at least. For several years I've wished I could organize "grounding" parties, where people get together and get barefoot, and walk on good dirt. If you don't know about grounding, or "earthing," look it up. It's a fantastic way to detox and cleanse your body, and I think it'd make a great excuse for a get-together, once people got used to the tdea. To add firewalking to the grounding parties would be pretty cool. I sure wouldn't go for the mystical bullshit.

 Lastly, would I firewalk with this fire-ass specimen of a sister? Heavens-to-Betsy I would. If I were a quarter-century or so younger, I might try to light another kind of fire with her. Dang. Yes she's hot, but at least her feet won't get burned. 


1 comment:

  1. No, sweat on your feet doesn’t turn into steam otherwise you would get scald burns due to the temperature of steam. It doesn’t make any difference if feet are wet or dry when firewalking. The most important aspect is knowing how to build, tend and prepare a firewalk. Too many buy firewood as it is cheap but firewood is usually hard wood which burns at a higher temperature than light to medium density wood as it’s prepared to burn at higher temperatures to produce maximum heat to warm rooms in houses.
