Friday, May 27, 2022

Another Bloodcurdling Scream

Jesus. I was just out walking El Doggo, and we heard a bloodcurdling scream come from somewhere nearby in this complex. It was loud as fuck, and was followed by a loud pop/smash sound, as if a big bottle had been thrown at a wall at very high velocity, and had vaporized. But damn...that scream was intense. It made my hair stand up, and my dog started barking like crazy. I hope someone called 911, but around here, they probably said "Fuck it." 

 I've been keeping track in this blog of all the "shots fired" incidents around here, and there have been some crazy screams too. One nearby couple will fight, and it goes from shouting to screaming, and finally into some heinous, shrieking, frightening sounds that don't even sound human. It's freaky as fuck. 

 As scary and full-blown as this scream was, it was also very melodic. It started on one note and went up maybe a minor second, and then dropped down a step and repeated the same interval. I could've found the notes on a keyboard. Too bad I wasn't recording. I hope it was just a bad argument and nobody was hurt, but it sounded serious. Fuck me. This is the motherfucking 'Hood around here, yo. I'm a city boy now. 

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