Sunday, May 15, 2022

We ARE the Planet of the Apes

It sounds prophetic now, but I'll never forget the day, years ago, when the first of the "new" Planet of the Apes movies came out. I was talking to my good buddy DC, who worked with me at the crazy restaurant. He's an extraordinary fellow. 

 I knew he was a fellow fan of all the original Planet of the Apes movies, and I figured that the new one might catch his interest. I figured it'd be the same, tired CGI shit, but possibly almost worth watching, and I thought we might go see it together.

 I said "Hey gonna go see the new Planet of the Apes movie?" "Man," he said, "this IS the planet of the apes." He sure was right, and that was years ago. Like everything else, the apelike conditions on this planet have ramped-up exponentially. And I mean no disrespect whatsoever to apes. It's stupid-ass humans I'm talking about. 

 This Planet of the Apes business goes so deep, and it's still unfolding. I don't mean just like the world has become a jungle, although that's very true...there's WAY more to it than that. I guess there's no point in going into it all'd sound crazier than the original movie itself, but you can take this to the bank: We ARE the planet of the apes. 

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