Wednesday, March 17, 2021

The State Motto of Alabama

[ ]I love this photo. Someone has taken a photo of Jeff (Can't smoke 'em if you don't got 'em) Sessions, with a perfect expression on his face, and superimposed it over a "green screen" as it were. Classic. Long story short Jeff hates weed, and it's people like him that make Alabama the laughing stock of the Lower-48, and rightly so. In fact they should redraw the map of the US and flip Alabama around backward, because that's the kind of state we are, and it's people like Jeff who're responsible. I've always wondered what would happen if he were faced with a situation where, say, a family member was prescribed Marinol, but he had to okay it. Would his outdated ethics kick-in, or would his heart, and brain, for that matter" This photo is hliarious, and yet incredibly sad and ironic. It's a study in irony in fact, and I might get it put on a t-shirt, with our new state slogan. [ ]The state bird is the Yellowhammer, and the state motto used to be "Thank God for Mississippi." Until a couple of decades or so ago that was true, and why it was the state motto. Since they've been taking polls, on everything from education, driving habbits, income, hospitalization for stupid injuries ("Hey, y' 'is!"), general tomfuckery and idiots like Jeff Sessions, we'd have been #50 if it hadn't been for Mississippi. We managed to squeak in ahead of them in one or two things but they smoked us a while back. In a few categories we managed to be #49, but now we're at our rightful place, #50. At least we could get with the program and make weed legal, but not as long as Jeff's in session. Until a new amendment is passed, until further notice the official motto is: "Would somepne please get Jeff Sessions a brownie?" We stand by it.

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