Saturday, March 27, 2021

Right in Front of Our Faces: "Satan Shoes"

[ ]So you still think the Devil isn't real? You may have heard the saying that the Devil's best trick was making people believe he doesn't exist. Kevin Spacey brought that line to the movies. Interesting that a Satanist himself, and a lowlife pedo for good measure, would say this line, but that's how they roll. They know good and well whom their master is. Here we have an outstanding example of someone, in this case rapper Lil Nas X, showing the one he serves, and this is a doozie. Lil Nas X has partnered with Nike to release the Nike Air Max 97, aka the "Satan Shoe." It's a steal at $1,018. Naturally this edition is limited to 666 pairs. Reserve your pair today! [ ]Satan Shoes. That's fucked-up. Maybe it's just a good old-fashioned publicity stunt, right? Uh-huh. Laet's have a closer look at this shoe, shall we? First, naturally it's red and black, Satan's for blood of course, and black for...well, just black. Blackness. Satan's deal. Whatever you do don't let all this New-Age "illumination" bullshit sway you. God, Yeshua, is the one TRUE source of light. Satan MASQUERADES as an angel of light, but his gig is DARKNESS, period. Evil hates the light. It's simple. These shoes interestingly are marked with a Bible verse, Luke 10:18. Why would the Satan Shoe have a Bible verse on it? Because it's the one that famously says "I beheld Satan as lightning fall from Heaven." Interesting, eh? [ ]There's where the lightning bolt comes in. We've seen it everywhere again and again, ad nauseum, in everything from music videos to corporate logos, time and time again. It's also where the rather pricey price comes in. They cost $1,018. It's all in the numbers. Oh, look...there's the pentagram...again. How utterly original. Speaking of things we've seen over and over and over, wouldn't you think that shoes that sell for over a grand would try, at least try, to have something original? You'd think, wouldn't you, but like the shoes, their hands are tied. They don't have any choice in the matter. They have to show their allegiance. They're in the club, and it's like a secret handshake. Once they sign that dotted line they have to wear their heart on their sleeve as it were. In this image we see yet again the one-eye symbolism. They ALL do it. The pyramid is missing in action in this image but I'm sure it's around there somewhere. [ ]The pentagram is upside-down. Rightside-up a pentagram is just a pentagram but upside-down it represents Lucifer. Just more publicity? Maybe, but I don't think so. Each pair is individually numbered X/666 in red stitching, so there's your 666. But here's the kicker...above the sole is a clear channel filled with a liquid that contains red dye and a drop of...are you sitting down...human blood. That's right...Nike is selling shoes that contain human blood. It's not a joke. It's one thing when some rapper talks about Satan but when a major corporation, who've always had a "family" reputation, despite child labor and all that good stuff, sells a "Satan Shoe" that actually contains human blood, isn't that worth taking notice of? Not that long ago if they'd tried to pull this they'd have been boycotted worldwide, if not run out of town and burned in effigy. I doubt they'd have tried to pull it off even a decade ago, but times have changed. Nowadays it's "cool." Funny how the Good Book says that there will come a time when evil is taken for good and good evil. We're there, folks. Wake up. [ ]Satan Shoes...with real blood...made by an old company which up until now had a wholesome reputation...who'd'a thunk it? Some of us have been seeing this darkness ramping-up. I'm pretty hard to shock when it comes to Satan shit but this is shocking. I get the allure of all this's "edgy" and all, and while some people are repelled by and afraid of the dark, we're all fascinated by it. It doesn't mean you have to sell your soul. Hell I'd buy a pair myself if I had ridiculous amounts of cash lying around. They're pretty badass shoes. The blood thing might bother me but yeah, I'd get a pair. They'll be worth a bloody fortune one day. I wonder who'll get the last pair...#666/666. Wouldn't that be something? [ ]There you have it...right in front of your face. It couldn't be any more in-your-face. Still want to say it's just a publicity stunt? That's cool. As long as your beliefs don't include hurting anyone or anything, which the true Satanists' beliefs 100% DO, then I respect them and I support your right to express them. But shoes that contain human blood? These people know whom they serve. So do I. One day we ALL may have to make a choice, and it may not be easy, or obvious. Choose wisely, my friend. Eternity is a long time.

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