Friday, July 28, 2017


I love this shit. Don't you love getting friend requests from hookers? Or is it just old farts like me? After the first one I learned pretty quickly who was who. Some requests from young women are legit because I met them on a meteor site but most are hookers. I guess it's a morbid fascination maybe, but to me it's just another of those quirky human-interest things. Before I delete these I can't resist clicking on their pages to see what's up. A few actually bother to make their page look legit, but most of these gals are straight-up hookers. I love it. Social media strikes again.
 Since these fine folks seem to have no qualms about putting their images in the public domain, I don't have a problem posting this. Hey, I'm happy to give her the exposure. Looks like she could use some more gigs. Problem with that is that no one reads this blog besides Dave and TPTB, and TPTB can suck it. Maybe I'll get her a client. Never know. Anything I can do to help.
 She is hot; I'll give her that. If truth be told, if I weren't such a stud I can't say I might not try to peruse the services of someone like this, but luckily I don't have to. Apparently the same can't be said for the four fellas who had the balls to actually friend her and have their images displayed. Yeah, eighteen year-old has friends in their fifties. The few brave assholes you see who occasionally friend one of these ladies are the main reason I click on these pages to begin with. They make ME look good usually. Of course these days every bit of it besides the contact info could be bullshit, but I like to think it's legit. Look at these fuckers. Maybe they're okay guys, but they ain't exactly in her age group. Wonder if they've given her their credit-card numbers yet.
Here's her friends. Nice guys. Again, you never know. Maybe they're just helping her out with her college tuition. Dude on upper left sorta reminds me of Kojack; the bald TV detective who always had a sucker in his mouth. Dude on the upper right...well, there's no telling what he might be into. Dude on the bottom won't even show his whole face. Smart. If it were me I think I'd put up a generic "silhouette" as my profile pic. If this page is legit and she sees those guys, she's going to think "Man, I'm going to need some HEAVY drugs to hang with those fuckers." You made your bed, girlfriend. I hope she moonlights waiting tables or something.
 Well, that's my little excursion into the dark side for today. I hope you enjoyed it. Good luck, sister.

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