Thursday, July 6, 2017

Cosmic Coincidence #47,792,972,223,805,883,494

I've heard more than one person lately say that they seem to be noticing more crazy coincidences. For me it's been off the charts, and I'm accounting for things like observational bias and all that. Just the coincidences related to this random bunch of people I recently met on the Internet is bonkers. The site in question is called It tracks incoming meteors by recording radar pings from the ionized tails of meteors, in the VHF band.
 What's interesting about this situation is that I've been going to the site several times a year since it's been in operation, and sometimes I was the only soul on the site, and I never noticed anyone in the chat room. Then again until just recently I never paid any attention to the trolls and assholes in chat rooms anyway so maybe I never noticed, but I don't think anyone was ever on much. It almost sounds like the beginning to a movie, but it was like I was all alone in the Cosmos; listening to the occasional ping of a meteor burning up somewhere overhead, and then all of the sudden these amazing people show up out of nowhere, and they're actually worth engaging in conversation. What happened was that some of the main guys on Youtube started to take notice of all the increased activity and were putting up images from the site, so these people hopped over to the site to check it out for themselves, and a core group became friends.
 Yesterday afternoon I popped in to see who was on and say hi, and there were at least three assholes that were just being total pricks. I get trolls, and HIGHLY-PAID trolls, and assholes looking for a fight, and bored teens and so on, but this was rough and a little disturbing. These guys were just everyday assholes. Hey, we get it. Have your fun and go play somewhere else. Angry, hateful people leave a digital stench. I never said anything in a chat room for that reason, and I'm not about to engage fools. It was harsh. Right before I bowed out to watch a storm and check radar someone made a comment about needing the "Youtube Police" to come out. Everybody "lol'd" but about six comments later, someone with the handle of "Youtube Police" with a wrench icon, came on and said "what's going on." I literally almost choked on a sip of coffee laughing. Everybody let out an LOL at the same time. It was classic.
 I thought one of the regulars had hopped onto their channel and created another channel with that name just to get a laugh, but I wondered how they did it so quickly. Once I realized that it was just an ordinary bozo I lost it. It only gradually dawned on everyone just how crazy it really was. I'm sure they thought the same thing I had. The "Youtube Police" with a wrench had never shown up on the site before. It's possible they'd been listening in but I don't think so. It was random. I know they weren't there long before that person made the comment, and no one had seen them before. It's just one of many cosmic coincidences that seems to happen constantly lately. I'm really not surprised very much by surprises these days. That was hilarious.

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