Monday, July 10, 2017

Accidental Memory Tricks

Like many people I use memory tricks to help remember stuff. Luckily I read a couple of books in high school that taught people to strengthen their powers of observation, and to be able to lock in important facts better. I'm trying to avoid the dreaded "sticky note" years, where I'll have to carry around a pad of sticky notes and write down every single thing I need to remember, and stick it right in the middle of my forehead if I have to. I can say that I've gone well past the age where most people have to do that. Apparently I use these tricks when I'm not even aware of it.
 Yesterday morning I woke up around 4:30 and couldn't get back to sleep. I decided for old times' sake that I'd bop down to the river and watch the sunrise. It's been a while. I was planning to leave when it was still just a shade above dark. I got my camo shorts and loaded up the pockets with all my shit and filled the water bottle and everything, but I knew I was forgetting something. It was one of those deals where it really bugs you because you know it's important, so you go back to the last room you were in; hoping something will jar your missing memory and wishing you'd used a sticky note.
 I've been going down there nearly every day lately and I've been filming these long, lo-res "living wallpaper" videos, where it's basically a screensaver with Nature sounds. I've gotten the routine down as far as what I need, and I did remember that whatever it was, I needed it, but somehow it was something besides my usual gear. I spent the next ten minutes walking from room to room like a dummy, and feeling dumber by the minute. I should mention that the "jukebox in my head" thing where I put up classic songs here is very real. Any time I'm not reading or typing or doing anything that requires full concentration I usually spin a song in my head. I was bopping around with P-Funk blaring in my skull. Funk has motion, so it's a good choice for me in the morning. So I wasn't paying attention when I was listening to da Funk play on my jukebox. In fact I was isolating the synth part (ARP?) in my head and thinking what a great; if dated, phrase it was, and I wasn't paying as much attention to the vocals as I usually would.
 Finally it was getting light out and I decided that if I couldn't remember it then I could probably get along fine without it. I was wrong. It was still too dark to be in the woods with no Moon. I was reaching for the doorknob when the chorus came in and I noticed the vocals. The song in my head was "Flashlight." I laughed and went downstairs and grabbed my forgotten headlamp. My brain was looking out for my dumb ass and I didn't even know it. That's kinda funny. Thanks, brain, and Funk saves the day yet again. What a team.

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