Sunday, July 17, 2022

The Pedo Files: Dressing for the Job


Ordinarily, seeing a grown man wearing a Cookie Monster T might be amusing, or maybe indicate a learning disability or something, but in this case it's sick and disturbing. This is how many pedophiles dress when they're trying to meet a child. It's of course to make the child more comfortable. These people are way fucked-up. 

 I should've taken screenshots of all the preds I've seen who wear T-shirts with child-related stuff. It's really weird. Why do they even make this stuff in adult sizes anyway? Hmmm... I'll have to admit that it's epic to see a grown man wearing a Rugrats T, pissing himself in the middle of Walmart, but it's damn creepy. 

 If you work in construction, you wear a vest and a hard hat. If you're a cop, you wear a cop uniform. If you're a pedophile, you wear Sesame Street shit. This is 100% Satanic. The Devil can masquerade as an "angel of light," or in this case, Cookie Monster. This is evil. Wake up. Protect your kids. Be safe.

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