Friday, July 22, 2022

Selfie of the Day

I guess I've seen around a million selfies by now, and this one beats them all by far. I may be prejudiced, since I love turtles, but it's more than that. This photo should win an award. Sister is genuinely happy about it. You can't fake that look.

 She's like "Check this badass turtle who's letting me get all up in his personal space...what an awesome animal!" Turtle's like "Some of us just got it like that. Howdy Pard." 

 It almost looks like he knows he's being photographed, and he's doing an excellent pose. The piece of grass he's chewing on just seals the deal. And I mean, this sister is fine as wine, and probably a fellow turtle aficionado, but I can't quit looking at the turtle.  

 As far as selfies go, you can keep the narcissistic, cliffhanging, money-holding, titty-flashing, funny-face-making, thug-posing, drunk dipshit ones...this is the selfie of the century. I wouldn't mind being friends with both of these beautiful creatures. Maybe I could give them a banana. Say "Cheese!" 

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