Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Angry Birds

This is funny. My dog just took me out for a walk, and up in the trees above, a flock of birds was raising hell. They were squawking away in what I recognized as an "alarm" call. It was mostly Jays, but several other species joined in. It was this beautiful, angry-but-melodic cacophony, and I wish I'd recorded it. 

 I knew it wasn't us...we're out there every day, plus I feed the birds out back, and word gets around in the bird community. I was looking around for a gang of feral cats or whatever it was that they were chirping on about, and I looked over and saw an empty plastic bag of rubber snakes, plus a couple that had either slithered out of the bag or were discarded. 

 I have to admit they looked pretty real, sitting on the ground, and apparently the birds thought so too. It gave me a laugh. I have to give it to my dog...he wasn't fooled for a second, and he knows a real snake. For a primitive instant I thought they were real, but he didn't even bother to sniff. Then again, he's a lot smarter than I am. Them snakes was fakes. 

 I picked up the snakes and put them in my pocket. You never know when you might need a couple of rubber snakes, but mainly I didn't want the birds to be upset over fake snakes. The second I pocketed them, the birds got quiet again, except for a chirp or two that I think meant "Thanks." That was cool. Have a nice day.

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