Thursday, April 7, 2022

The Deepest Quote Ever

Having played a couple-thousand gigs and done a bit of travelling, I've seen my share of public restrooms, and also my share of graffiti. Most of it is the usual stuff..."Here I sit, broken-hearted, etc.," or "For a good time call Betty - 699-669-6969," or the ever-classic "Jenny 867-5309," but then there's the occasional pearl of wisdom. There's plenty of "Hee-hawers" with Sharpies out there, but there's a few restroom-philosophers too.

 In fact, if I ever write the story of the Bud Greene band, the title will come from one memorable, and perfect quote, which I know was written by someone also travelling around in a band, and sums up life on the road, both brilliantly and humorously.

 But the deepest quote I ever saw would have to be, "Shit ain't shit, it's just shit." I can still remember seeing it and laughing, and having to agree. It's so true. It's deep, man. Think about it. 


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