Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Can You Cut the Cake? (with Only Three Cuts)

I ran across a little brain-teaser, that probably just shows that I'm a dumbass, because it took me about half a day to figure it out, but after scratching my head 'til my hair fell out, my dumb-ass finally got it. Can you cut a cake into eight equal slices with just three cuts? 

 Yes you can. Or as Obama once said, "Yes we can!" Backward-masking aside, you can cut a cake into eight equal slices with only three cuts. How? You figure it out. You'll probably get it immediately, but I have a learning disability. 

 I'll give you a hint or two, and this will probably give it away. First, the slices would be pretty messy but definitely equal, and if you cut a cake that way in front of anybody, they'd probably think you'd lost your mind. Happy ponderin', and have a nice day. 


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