Sunday, September 13, 2020

These Dreams: Girl of My Dreams (Masked/"Peaceful Protests" Edition)

This mask bullshit finally made it into my dreams. I was wondering when it would. In my dream I'd reverted back to my younger self. That happens sometimes..The dream started with me meeting up with some friends to go to a party. I was with my best buds Chef Dave and Cay and a few others. In my dream we were younger. That happens sometimes. In reality I'm an old fuck although usually I really don't think of myself as such. Cay mentioned that a friend of hers would be there and she'd introduce us. "Fine by me" I said. 

 We got to the party. Some people were wearing masks and some weren't. You can probably guess if I was or wasn't. We got to the party and Cay's friend was sitting on a sofa. She was tall, blond and beautiful. She didn't look like one of those freaky and questionable supermodels or anything like that. She was just beautiful enough and she had the girl-next-door thing big-time. 

 She had a gorgeous smile and right off the bat she seemed to have a sweet spirit about her. She was healthy and she wasn't wearing a mask. "At least she still has a functioning brain" I thought. I was smitten. Gobsmacked maybe. I thought I detected a spark from her too. 

 Cay introduced us. "Nice to meet you." "You too." "She's a hugger" said Cay, in a tone of dismay because everyone is afraid to get near another human being, much less hug one. "I'm a bit of a hugger too" I said. "Everyone is afraid to hug people" lamented the beautiful blond. "I'm not" I said. I offered my hand and she took it, stood up and gave me a hug. It was wonderful. I intended to give her a brief-ish hug, but when we did it was so nice that we kept on hugging for a minute or two. It was love at first sight. Cay winked at me. As much as I really love Cay in real life I love her even more now for hooking me up in my dream. 

 We sat down and everybody was talking. Every now and then she'd look at me and smile. I think we both had the same idea. Next thing I knew we'd found a quiet place and took up where we left off. We did find time to have a conversation and we were already making plans to get together the next night, and the next and the next. I guess it was a little quick but for one thing it was a dream and I damn sure wasn't going to question it, and for another it just felt right. We just liked each other and we both knew there was no need for pleasantries and such. That actually happened to me in real life once, and she turned out to be the true love of my life. Luckily she still loves me and I her but that's another nice story. 

 I know it was just a dream but weird as it may sound I'm still basking in the afterglow. It was so real, except that I can't remember her name. I'll call her Ms. Right. So we decided to go back and socialize with our friends for a bit but we were planning to leave soon and go have dinner and whatnot. Since it was back in the day we all decided to smoke some weed. There was a drug store around the corner so I decided to go get some papers. I asked if anybody needed anything and someone needed contact cleaner. 

 I went in the back door of the drug store. I had a bandanna in my hand to put on but there was no one around so I opened the door and went in before I put on my mask. Out of nowhere the manager appeared and yelled 'YOU MUST WEAR A MASK!" "Sorry, sir" I said. "I'm still getting used to this." I grabbed my stuff and left. They'd locked the back door so I went out the front, and I had to go around the block. And then another little slice of current events popped into my dream- those fucking Antifa fucks. I couldn't believe it but there they were. 

 I was walking the block back to the club. It had been an old three-story brick house built in the mid-60s. It was in a beautiful old neighborhood with nice yards and trees and stuff, and it would've looked pretty much like any other house, except for the lights and music and people, and it was painted a nice shade of deep red. It was a really nice club. I was so excited to get back to my new friend that I was practically floating up the slightly-uphill block. 

 I knew they were Antifa assholes because as in real life these people were there for one reason only- to cause destruction and chaos. They were standing on a sidewalk watching me go by. At first nothing happened but as I neared the club a huge guy came up and tried to grab the box of lens cleaner, of all things. I managed to hang onto it somehow and I told him to fuck off. I figured I had nothing to lose...he was about 6'4 and 330lbs, plus he had two buddies. I was proud of myself for standing up to him. I was almost to the club but I knew I was seriously out-manned and I wasn't back yet. 

 The thing about it was that realizing they were Antifa, another part of reality, plus the shock and absurdity of a guy trying to steal a box of contact-lens cleaner made me fully aware that I was dreaming, and the dream turned into a lucid one. A lucid dream is where you become aware that you're dreaming but you're not fully awake (if you open your eyes it's over), and you can control the action in your dream 100%, just like a movie director. I've had several of them and they're one of the most intense, and fun, things I've ever experienced. I was thrilled knowing I was about to head back to the sister and resume non-social-distancing, if you will, and that, Holy Mother of God, I could now have a direct say in how my dream went with the girl of my dreams. 

 Nothing changed at all about the dream except that I became aware that I was dreaming. I have to say that if you've never experienced lucid dreaming, but you do have some dreams you remember, then lucid dreaming isn't hard to do, and it's mind-blowing. You go from being just an observer to a participant in full control of your actions, and everything else, instead of just watching what the dream-state throws at you, like a movie. It's wild. You can add effects, blow shit up, fly, get the girl or whatever else and call all the shots just like Mickey Wizard in Fantasia, or you can be more laid-back and just control your own actions and be completely immersed in the dream. Both ways are cool but I like the latter. I still like the characters to interact on their own more and other things to happen more naturally, if that makes sense.

 There are some simple exercises you can do to help the process if you're interested. For some reason I've never done them but I really should. One thing you can do is think of a common but distinctive object, say a bluebird, and think about it before you go to sleep. Supposedly it will eventually make it into your dreams and let you know you're dreaming. It's like when you're asleep and dreaming and there's a real sound or whatever going on and it makes in into your dream.

 Decades ago Sharper Image started offering goggles that detected REM sleep, which is when we dream. When REM sleep was detected the goggles sent pulses from red LEDs. The light was red instead of white, like a darkroom, and it was just bright enough to pass through your eyelids but not enough to jolt you awake. It lets you know you're dreaming without waking you up. They were pretty pricey back in the day but I bet you could find them for much cheaper now. They've probably been largely replaced by VR goggles anyway. That's what lucid dreaming is like, and it's certainly at least as intense as a video game. It becomes your own deal...a once-in-a-lifetime, personal thing. 

 Anyway once I realized I was dreaming and I was a real part of it, I might as well have been in Heaven, except for the assholes. But true to form I "changed the script" so that they backed-off, and they did. I was going to make this dream as lonnnnnnnnnng as possible. I was almost back to the club and the woman, I was looking forward to smoking a joint in my dream and spending some quality time with my friend. BTW she was wearing jeans and a white cashmere sweater. "Woof," I dreamed. 

 As much of a dog as I could sometimes be I truly love women, and, when applicable, I really respect them and want to do right by them and so on. I don't always but I try my best to. It didn't hurt that this woman was beautiful to the perfect degree and not a click more, but as stunning to me as she was, that was just icing on the cake. Somehow in the dream I was able to read her instantly, and she could read me too, and that was it. Her body was about a 98 out of 100, but I dug her mind too. I dug what made her tick. Somehow I knew she was a truly good person.The cliche "made for each other" was true, and I knew it. Just the fact alone that she was single and not carrying any baggage for some coked-out loser or whatever and she was into me with no fake bullshit about it proved that she was meant for me. God, this is cheeseball. But it's true

 Back when I was just starting to sneak into clubs and hear bands and play myself sometimes, I made friends with a famous local drummer. He was quite a bit older than me and possibly a different color, but he liked me okay and I got to hang and pick up a few pointers occasionally, but mostly just talk. He was an advanced ladies' man and I was just trying to break into the game. We'd talk about women and he'd say "Pussy's a penny a pound." He meant that a bit literally in that women were everywhere and available, but what he really meant was that it's what's inside that counts. It only reinforced how I already felt about it but it was cool to hear him say that. Different, but cool.

 Believe it or not even in my dream I was going to be a gentleman. I know it sounds ridiculous because it was just a dream and here's this amazing sister who really digs me, but screw all that... dreams are short and I might wake up any minute and I really need to hit it while I can. I've dreamed about quite a few sisters but she was a keeper, for a dream, and I wanted to at least show respect. I wasn't planning to sleep with her until the third date, although there's a good chance it would've been the second. Call me old-fashioned. I'm guessing she'd have been ready too. The thing is since I could control the dream, all three dates would play out in the same dream. Oh I'd have slept with her. Bet your ass. I'd just have tried to do it right.

 I've always heard that dream-time is very compressed; in other words dreams that seem like a long time are really only a few seconds, although I recently heard a few people say it's actually stretched. Dream-time seems normal in a dream whatever happens, but it seems like when you become aware you're dreaming, dream-time and real-time line up, but I can't be sure. Either way I planned to put a pillow over my eyes and keep the dream going for the rest of the day. My baby was waiting. I was looking up at the red brick building and picturing her inside. What happened next I hate to even say.

 Out of nowhere the big dude jumped me and one of his buddies came at me with a knife. Apparently I should have taken more control over the dream and waxed the bad guys but all I could think about was the girl. Somehow the bad shit slipped through and it jolted me awake. I've had at least a dozen or so lucid dreams over the years and nothing like that ever happened. Usually a lucid dream pretty much ends when you want it to, unless the phone rings or it gets too bright in the room or someone calls you. Usually you can just later-on the bad shit, which I thought I'd done, but my mind was on the female instead of the Antifa fucks behind me. They're assholes even in my dreams. 

 I woke up pissed. Several times I've woken up from a dream and gone back to sleep as many as ten times, and went back into the same dream and continued along. I prayed I could fall asleep and get back into that dream and fuck those fuckers but no such luck. It was just a dream, but dammit. It was good while it lasted. On a personal note, in dreams that involve sex, rarely do my dreams go beyond about one second before the act of penetration or whatever, although luckily it sometimes happens and lasts a few seconds anyway, In a normal dream I suppose the excitement is too much and I wake up. A lucid dream is very different. I'll say again that you can totally control your actions and leave it at that. It's fun. 

 It was just a dream, but we know we all have amazing dreams sometimes and this was one, even though the bad guys fucked it all up. I don't get that. Even so it oddly gave me quite a lift. It was a nice escape in these fucked-up times. It was sort of a ray of hope, in more ways than one. Obviously I'm single right now and I'm fine with that but you never know...maybe something is afoot, C-19 be damned. If this sounds pitiful I have actually dated one or two real women during waking hours and they've mostly been true sweethearts, but Dream Sister was up there with any of them. Dreams are cool. Maybe I'll dream of her again. I'd love to know her name. Maybe I'll get some of those goggles... Maybe see you in my dreams.


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