Monday, September 7, 2020

The Daily Bullshit: How the Bullshit Works (Masked Edition #1)

Here's how the bullshit works. Slowly people are starting to wake up to the fact that there just might be more to this mask thing than just a virus. A few weeks ago about 80% of people surveyed support the Draconian measures officials have taken on this issue, and I'm talking about things besides just wearing masks- shutting down the economy for example.

 To think that we can eradicate a virus that's already permeated the globe and will probably be thriving and mutating for centuries by locking everyone in their homes (or worse) is completely ludicrous, yet most people support these measures. When you're living in fear you can't think straight or make good decisions. It's a fact. 

  So what happens when people start asking logical questions like "Why am I wearing a mask while I'm driving my car?" or "Why am I wearing a mask when I'm in the great outdoors and 100 yards from anyone?" or "How the FUCK am I going to catch some disease when I'm by myself (and yet I'm still wearing a mask)?" Those who control the flow of information have to scramble to counteract that, so they put out nonsense like this:

  (from "Sociopathic traits linked to non-compliance with mask guidelines and other (19) containment measures." Really? Do people who ask the above questions sound like sociopaths to you? Am I a sociopath? Hardly. I'm a very sociable person. In fact I love people, which is why I'm putting my ass on the line trying to get people to think with their brains rather than from fear. People might not read an article in the PsyPost but very soon this general idea will make it into the mainstream news...I guarantee it. That's how it works. 

 It's called social-engineering, or brainwashing, and it's been going on for centuries, whether people understand it or not. Most people would never believe it goes on, much less that it's had an effect on them. Here's how it works. People will read one of these articles, or in most cases just the headline, which is all that's needed, and instantly their emotions will kick in, which precludes any chance of critical thinking. This also is fact. They'll go "Oh, there go those crazy people again." They'll be predisposed to ignore anything they say before they even say it, when what they're saying makes a hell of a lot more sense that the idea of wearing a mask outdoors or whatever. It's called programming, like it or not. It's okay if you've been fooled...we ALL have and we're all in the same boat. 

 Then there's this: "New research from Brazil has found that people who are unconcerned with adhering to measures to prevent the spread of (19) tend to display higher levels of traits associated with antisocial personality disorder, also known as sociopathy. The findings have been published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences." So now not only are people who ask logical questions sociopaths, but they also have a disorder. Again it's utter nonsense. It's a smokescreen and it's designed to stop people from asking questions. They'll think "Maybe I'd better not use my brain and think about what this headline says ('cause it sounds like bullshit), because I don't want people to think I'm a sociopath." That's how it works.

 Of course there are people who truly are suffering from some sort of mental condition and they'll do anything to rebel against anything. They might not wear a mask in public because that's just what they do, but anyone else, whom the article is talking about, and not the true sociopaths, are not "unconcerned." Most people realize that masks contain coughs and sneezes and that they make sense when in close quarters with other people, but the rest of the time they're useless, and shouldn't be worn. Have you looked into the disadvantages of wearing masks for long periods of time? It's right on the CDC's and the WHO's and other official sites, straight from the horses' mouths. Check it out for yourself. 

 About a third of the cars I see these days have a mask hanging from the rearview mirror. Ideally you should use a brand new mask each time you put one on (but thank God we don't do that...I'm not sure the landfills can handle the billions of masks coming their way as it is), but obviously they plan to use the same mask again. For how long...a day? A week? Longer? If the bad bugs have even been stopped by the mask to begin with then guess what...they're stewing in that mask, and it's going to be reused. I'm sorry but when I see a mask hanging on someone's rearview mirror I see a sign that says "FEAR ON BOARD." People aren't thinking if they think that mask is going to stay clean. I do realize that many of them are simply complying and would rather not be wearing a mask, but still they're buying into the fear whether they'd admit it or not.

 I've already posted the warning label from a box of M-19 masks that says that the masks don't protect the wearer from 19 or any other virus. It's right there in black and white, and yet I bet that same 75% of the people who don't see the problem with arresting people for being outdoors and shit like that think that masks do protect from the bug, just because we're being told to wear them all the time. A mask trying to stop a virus is like a chainlink fence trying to stop a bee from flying doesn't work.

 Look at electron microscope images of the virus compared to the size of the gaps in the weave of the fabric and you can clearly see for yourself. It really is like a tiny bee compared to the holes in a chainlink fence. Masks won't keep you from getting sick. Sorry to say. People could read the warning a million times and still say "Well, facts don't matter. We have to wear a mask all the time because hey SAY we do," without ever seeing the problem

 And what about the goggles thing? Remember? Back in January when this was breaking here they said that the bug could be spread via eye contact, and that we should all be wearing goggles, but we're not. If you can catch it through your eyes, then what good are masks? Where are the goggles? And the social-distancing thing? Do you really think that six feet is the "Magic Protection Number" or something? Would seven feet be safer? Will five feet make you sick? It's an arbitrary number.

 A cough or a sneeze or even loud talking can send particles over twenty feet. I realize that masks protect from people sneezing and coughing but the 6' thing is a random number, and not backed by ANY scientific evidence whatsoever, because it can't be. It's arbitrary, yet we treat it as gospel, and automatically distance the proper space from the next person, like zombies  It's compliance by fear, and NOT any kind of scientific proof. In fact the scientific proof renders it totally invalid. It's clear to see if you can still think.

 Speaking of mask-talk back in January, an article came out about masks and facial hair. It flatly stated that if men were going to be wearing masks, ANY facial hair had to go. No one was wearing a mask at that point and the tone of the article was more relaxed than it would be now. It mentioned all the types of facial hair- beards, goatees and soul patches. It even mentioned Frank Zappa's legendary facial-hair feature, which I thought was cool. The article said that any facial hair would render the mask useless. It makes perfect sense. What about the gap around the masks? To really protect against a microscopic virus particle you'd need a sealed respirator system- essentially a re-breather, with an independent oxygen source. Again this is fact. People should easily see this.  


Then there's this bit of bullshit. If this isn't propaganda I don't know what it. This photo is from a tweet by Alyssa Milano. The fam is all masked-up and ready to go to the shopping mall or whatever. I'm not going to go back and find the entire quote but it started out saying "Protect yourself!" Protect yourself from what? Being thought of as having a brain in your head? 

 Look at that mask. She made it herself. Isn't she talented? Look closer. See those holes in the weave? That mask wouldn't protect against a swarm of gnats much less a virus. But she knitted it herself and that's just so cool. People will see that and go "That's great! Isn't she wonderful? Anyone who disagrees is a lunatic" instead of "Who the fuck is she kidding? What's that mask going to protect her from...being thought of as having a brain in her head?" This is straight-up propaganda, and bullshit. That's how it works. Plus the fact that apparently she's much more intellectually-challenged than Nature had intended, if she thinks her mask will keep out viruses or anything else. 

 Don't even get me started on that incredible campaign they've started about how wearing a mask 
"shows love." Does not wearing a mask show hate? That's what it implies. Again, more emotional triggers right off the bat, to stop critical thinking, which BTW is a dying art. It's how we used to survive, but now we have Google to do all our thinking for us. It's true. So, if you don't wear a mask, you don't love people? It's a fraud. It's deep, deep bullshit, but that's exactly the bullshit being spread. We're buying into least around 75% of us are at this time. 

 Then there's the lockdown. We know that alcohol consumption has risen by over 40% so far. Ditto substances. The suicide rate is through the roof and the same goes for domestic abuse, depression and even murder. Right now there's a petition that's been signed by over 2,000 doctors so far, saying that the eventual death rate from the effects of lockdowns such as mentioned above, and things like not going to the doctor or dentist for routine checkups where a simple problem that could be fixed becomes life-threatening, poor health due to poor diet due to less money to spend on quality food, problems with more prescriptions for anxiety meds and a host of other things, will FAR exceed the actual deaths from the virus itself. It makes perfect sense to me, but then apparently I'm a sociopath and I have a disorder for talking about that.

 How can what these doctors say not make sense? And yet people will still react out of fear and they simply won't be capable of asking the same simple and logical questions. If our economy crumbles and our whole way of life (and our freedoms, don't forget) go away, then what's the point? As much as I don't want to catch this thing I'd rather take my chances with a virus that is highly unlikely to kill me, rather than a dead world. What we've already lost is tragic, and it's far from over, unless we stand up peacefully. 

 If you've even bothered to read this far, congrats and thanks. I don't see anything incorrect with this information, that is what I'm saying. I DO see fraud in what those headlines say, and anyone who can still think should have a problem with what they're saying. Are people who ask questions like "Why am I supposed to wear a mask outside in the fresh air?" sociopaths? Those articles say so. Are we to believe that bullshit? We can if we want. 

 Also if you've read this far, the next logical question would be, "If this is true, and there's more to it than so-called public safety, then why? What's really going on, and does the truth differ from what we're being told? Since that's a very good question I've been looking into that very thing for about two decades now. If you want to insult what intelligence I may have and tell me I'm full of shit and that I've been learning bad information from crazy people, for twenty years, than you're welcome to think that and I support your right to do so, but you'd be wrong.

 The thing is I'm not going to go into it here because the only way any of it made sense to me was actually looking into it, and doing a little homework. I don't mean checking Snopes or the first site that pops up on Google, because those things are entirely different stories and there's way too much to go into in this post. You have to do your own research if you care even a bit about getting to the real story. 

 If you don't give a shit and you only want to think that things couldn't possibly be any different than the official narrative says, then carry on and have a nice day. If you're even the least bit curious, and you should be, then have a look into this. The info is there for anyone to see, but you do have to dig deeper than CNN. I hope you'll at least spend a few minutes checking it out, but sadly and statistically you probably won't. Either way don't live in fear. It'll fuck you up. Take care, and get some fresh air. 



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