Saturday, September 26, 2020


This is an utter outrage. This woman was assaulted, tased and arrested for not wearing a mask at a high school football game in Ohio. She has asthma and she's not supposed to wear a mask. Early reports said she was pregnant but I can't find more about that. If that's the case then those fucks should be charged for that. That's a crime as well. Either way she was brutalized. 
 The people who took her to the ground didn't care. The big man (and I only mean that literally) who tased her didn't care. What's worse is that except for one guy mainly who tried to ask why they were treating her that way and was basically told to fuck-off, most of the people who witnessed it didn't care and looked the other way, and many people cheered on the "cops." It's sick. To me it's unthinkable to support this bullshit in America, or anywhere else. We've become really sick. What are we going to be tased for next?

 The big dudes who subdued the woman weren't even real cops. They were Rent-a-Cops. Who gave them the authority to brutalize US citizens? Seriously I want to know, and so should you, if you still have a working brain. Do you know what those Rent-a-Cops are? I'll tell you exactly what they are. Cover your ears, because I'm utterly appalled. 

 They're spineless twits. Yellow-bellied, barbaric, cocksucking, panty-waste, chickenshit, lily-livered, pussy-whipped, dicklick, morally-bankrupt, power-mad, fear-driven, toolistic, piece-of-shit PUSSIES, who let their little-boy badges go to their heads. They should be ashamed. I sure am. "Oh, they were just following the law" you say? BULLSHIT. They didn't have to get barbaric. It's not a law's a mandate. Big, big difference. By law, technically they can't do that shit to her. The woman did resist but she should have. You see, she still has a functioning brain. Supposedly she still has rights too, although that's obviously becoming very questionable.

 Normally I'm opposed to frivolous lawsuits for farting in public or whatever but this woman should sue the piss out of everyone involved, especially the big ol' cowardly men who tased her, the school, the Rent-a-Cop company, the county, state and everyone else she can think of. I'd think she's got a hell of a case. Sue the fuckers. It really needs to happen because some people are outraged by this, and we need to show solidarity, and take it further and keep the ball rolling and keep public attention on this.

 She has rights, and they were violated. Someone should start her a Gofundme account. I hope someone will do that, but if not I may look into it myself. People need to wake up and smell the brutality, and ask themselves if this is the USA they really want. It damn sure isn't the USA I want. Wake up. This is WRONG.

 Speaking of the law and bullshit, of course they had to issue a statement, and here's how the bullshit works. Sadly people buy it. Some official came on TV and said that they didn't knock her down, tase and arrest her for not wearing a mask, but for repeatedly violating campus rules, or something to that effect. BULLSHIT. While technically that may be true, it IS 100% about the mask, and you know it and I know it and the asshole who made the statement knows it too. It would've never happened if not for the mask. But they put out that smokescreen of bullshit and deny the obvious truth, and our dumb asses buy it. We believe that bullshit. How? 

 It's unthinkable that this woman was so brutalized and the video is hard to watch. At least it is for people who understand that this whole mask thing is bullshit, and this kind of brutality may be at home in communist China or back in the Third Reich, but it has no goddamn place in this country. Is this what you want? REALLY? According to statistics it is. Although people are slowly waking up and realizing that something is deeply wrong, and the number of people who support this barbarism has gone from about 80% down to about 75% in the last few weeks, the majority of people in this country support this shit. I don't get it. Where did we go wrong? Narcing on our neighbors for not standing six feet apart? It's pathetic. It didn't work out too well for the citizens during the Third Reich, did it? Fuckers. 

 I'm pissed to the point of distraction and I should be. Not to mention we're about to shut down the country again and finish off what's left of the economy, all over a disease that granted is bad, but kills no more than the regular flu. This is rule by fear and control, whether people can get their heads around that or not. A mask won't protect you from Coronabonah. Standing six feet apart won't keep you from catching Coronabonah. Killing the economy won't stop Coronabonah. Treating each other like germ bags and taking a wide berth when we pass someone on the street and never shaking hands or hugging anyone and becoming less human by the day won't stop Coronabonah. Brutalizing a woman who wasn't harming a soul won't stop Coronabonah. 

 If you can actually watch the video, which is all over YouTube right now, and say it's okay in any way...all I can say is you're an asshole, and you deserve what you're going to get. This is an outrage. Have a nice fucking day. 

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