Monday, September 14, 2020

The Time the Band Made it into a Bestseller (teaser)

I've told this story before but it's been a long time and it's a good one. There's another story, literally, that goes along with it. It's a twofer. I told the story about an incident that took place in Oxford, Mississippi back when I was playing in the Bud Greene band. 

 A few years after the band broke up I was talking to Greg, the former guitar player, and he told me that someone from Oxford had written a published book, and that incident was mentioned in it. Of course I was thrilled and proud to hear that and I wanted to get a copy immediately, but Greg didn't know any more details and at first I couldn't find out more about it. 

 I wanted to get a copy of the book but I let it slide and didn't think about it too often until I was talking to Greg a few years ago. He told me it was written by a firefighter from Oxford, which made me die laughing, for reasons you'll see later. I searched it and found it, as you see here.

 It's called "On Fire" by Larry Brown. That made me laugh again. In no way do I mean to belittle Larry Brown, because the truth of the matter is that he was forced to be involved in a very dangerous situation that was a direct result of something our dumb-asses did. But knowing it from our part of the story makes it funny.

 When I first found the book a few years back the copies I found were a little pricey, but the subject came up again the other day and I decided to try to get a copy if I could find a cheaper one, and I found a new paperback for $11. That's an excellent number. Even if it's just a brief mention it'll still be fun to read. I thought it was a bestseller and it may be, but I don't see it on the cover. It doesn't matter's a real book and it was published and people read it and we're in it and that's cool. I seriously doubt the name of the band is mentioned in the book, and thankfully the club owner was our friend and didn't rat on us  The book only mentions the incident itself I'm sure, but we were definitely the instigators. 

 I'll save the story until the book gets here. It's supposed to arrive Wednesday. However small the mention is, if it is indeed really there and supposedly it is, it'll be fun to supplement the story with what Mr. Brown had to say about it. I'm assuming that's his real name and not a nom de plume. Or nom de flume. All I'll say else for now is that since it's obvious the fire department was involved, that should tell you that it's not a normal story; it made it onto the front page with an amazing photo next day, plus it was an accident. 

 If Larry Brown mentioned us at all or thought about us, he probably said something like "stupid assholes" and frankly he'd be justified. It was obviously a big enough deal to be mentioned in his book. Judging by the "life and death" blurb on the cover, the tone of the book I'm sure is at least partially very serious and probably sad, and he may have hated out guts. I don't know Larry's story yet. Maybe all is forgiven by now, and I could contact him and tell him our part in the story, but that might not be smart. I'll wait and see what he says about it, if anything. Sorry Larry. It wasn't malicious. Stay tuned.

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