Monday, July 15, 2019

Milky Way Causes Panic in New York

Did you hear about the blackout in New York City a few days ago? Interestingly it happened 42 years to the day after the infamous blackout of 1977, where looting and shooting and such was rampant, and people were selling batteries on the street for fifty times their value and people were freaking out, but that's a complete coincidence, right? Sure it is.
 I've been trying to subtly warn people to put away a little extra water and food, without being a so-called "fear monger," but people can do or not do what they wish. I'd pay attention if I were you. What's the harm in being prepared for an emergency? If you don't believe me, and I suggest you don't, and that you DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH, maybe you'll believe what FEMA has to say about being prepared. Google it, Dylan.
 Don't get me started on light pollution, but when I was a kid we could still see the Milky Way from our front yard in the city, but that hasn't been in play for decades. It's what happened in New York though, and I'm surprised I didn't think of it. They probably haven't been able to see the Milky Way there since the early 20th century, but that's what happened a few days ago. Some people knew what it was but many people panicked because they'd never seen it before. There were lots of 911 calls and such because people didn't know what the hell they were seeing. Some people thought it was smoke from a big volcano; some thought nuclear war, Alien attack; a rip in the space-time continuum; you name it. It's kinda funny but mostly sad.
 This world may be in for a reset, and again, what I, or anyone else has to say about it has absolutely no bearing on the outcome. I have time to look into all this, but I realize most people don't, and even those that do usually don't give a shit anyway. They don't want to think about the possibility of bad things happening and I get it. But giving people a heads-up is light years away from just trying to scare them, dig? My ultimate message is one of hope and joy anyway, although most people don't believe it. All I can do is offer up a studied opinion, and folks can take it or leave it. The Lord is my shepherd, and believe it or not that removes fear, again whether it's simply the placebo effect or not. Give it a try some time. It just might work for you too.
 So seeing our beautiful sky that's been long-obscured by light pollution freaked out New Yorkers. That's a shame. If, God forbid, the grid were to go down, for any number of reasons, then we'd all be able to see the Milky Way. I think about that a lot. AND...if the grid does go down, it means that for some of us, our redemption grows nigh. "For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." - 2nd Timothy, 1:7. Words to live by. Fear is the enemy. That's the truth. Have a blessed day.

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