Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Drugs are Bad: Benzos

[ NOTICE: This post is not intended to replace medical advice. It is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure anything besides lack of knowledge. Have a nice day.]
 We all know that drugs are bad, but I'm not talking about street drugs; I'm talking about drug-drugs; meds, and specifically in this case, Benzodiazepines. That includes drugs like Valium, Clonopin and Xanax, of which the latter two are widely prescribed these days, even to children as young as ten. And that brings me to my first rant.
 I read an alarming (disgusting and depressing, really) article on how kids who misbehave in school are handled. In my day we got sent to the principle's office to cool down. This article said that in around 97% of all cases the kids bypass anything like that and are sent straight to the school nurse, who prescribes meds instantly. That's sick if you think about it.
 I was never a bad kid and I made good grades but I always had excess energy. It served me well at times and it was a pain in the ass at others. If anything I self-medicated to slow myself down a bit, but having excess energy didn't cause problems for me or anyone else. I didn't need to be medicated. You have excess energy...guess what...you can find something to do and burn it off. It's simple. I remedied that "condition" in the best way possible- I took up drumming. I realize not everyone has that option but there are countless other natural ways to deal with the issue, which isn't really an issue at all unless the child is hurting themselves or another. Excess energy? Go kick some field goals. Run laps. Take a hike. That sort of "medicine" has side-effects too...you get healthier, you might find a passion, you'll sleep like a rock without the need for even more meds, and you'll be better for it. Don't get me started on the side-effects of normal meds.
 Nowadays they label energetic kids with a "condition" and instantly run for the prescription pad. If the parents don't want their kids medicated to fuck and back and would rather get to the root of the problem rather than just turn their kids into zombies (imagine that), it's tough shit. They can go to court and have the kids removed if the parents try to refuse them giving their kids meds, which are just as dangerous as cocaine to the body. And you think there's not an agenda in this world. It's diabolical. Think about it. Wake the fuck up. Please. If you don't give a shit that's too bad, but if you don't care about your kids, or you think they need to be medicated with toxins and nothing else, you're an ASSHOLE. You are. I think they should at least try other methods first and at least give them a chance, before they just dose our kids. Anyone have a problem with that idea? Okay, on to the adult Benzo scene.
 I've been in the music business basically all my life and I worked in the restaurant biz over 15 years, so I've seen every type and degree of substance issue there is. I've seen everything from people who can go out and have A beer or A drink and then put it down and go about their business, and I've seen people drink and drug themselves to death right in front of my eyes. I know what someone looks like when they're dying and it's gutwrenching. In between I've seen people get in trouble and even lose their jobs and even their homes and families. I've seen it all and I've made some observations along the way.
 I've known quite a few people who were on prescribed Benzos. At first they did seem more relaxed and maybe even a bit happier, but after a few months the drugs didn't seem to have the same effect (tolerance), and after a couple more months they were actually more anxious, and not just by a little bit. Compounding the problem was the added anxiety of realizing that the meds weren't working in some cases, and they felt much worse than before they started taking Benzos. At least half of them exhibited signs of depression. They were sluggish, cranky and forgetful, and much of the time they complained of not feeling well or even normal. To recap, that's called side-effects. Rant #2: If people think that meds are the only way to treat something, and they're willing to take a pill that may help one thing but can potentially cause ten bad side-effects, and they get sick (requiring more meds), it's on them. In many cases there are other ways. Know this.
This is the GABA receptor in the brain. It's what normally controls anxiety and stress and such, and it's also what you're fucking with when you take anti-anxiety meds for an extended period. I don't know exactly how it works but I think one thing it does is release an enzyme or whatever that eliminates cortisol, which is a stress-causing hormone. The point is it's your body's natural stress-relieving system. God knows we live in stressful times  and we all are overwhelmed at times, but if we're stressed, is automatically running to the doc for meds the best choice? You tell me. Sadly for some it's the only choice.
 The GABA receptors look a bit like fingers or corals or something but you could think of them as flower buds. Interesting they have specific areas that receive different chemicals including ethanol and even Benzodiazepine, as you can see. There's also receptors for THC and several other things we think of as intoxicants. The thing is, your body produces its own version of these substances. I don't think our brains were originally designed for a day when their owners would have a script for Benzos, but I could be wrong. Did you know that not only does your body make ethanol (alcohol) from the sugars you eat, but your brain also makes its own THC, which is the active ingredient in reefer? Party on, dudes! It also produces its own DMT, which is the most powerful psychedelic substance known, and makes taking acid seem like drinking a beer. Some say that it's released shortly before someone dies, and can even account for the "near-death" experiences some claim to have. Or there really could be an afterlife. Just sayin' as they say. The brain is a wonderful thing. Most times anyway.
 I'm concerned about some people close to me who've been taking Benzos (at least) for quite some time. I'm not so much worried about them being on them, it's coming off of them I'm worried about. To be fair some of them may never have to worry about that because they may take them forever, but at some time for whatever reason, people will be coming off them, and I hear withdrawals from Benzos are no joke. I started hearing years ago that Benzo withdrawal was much, much worse than even heroin, and I had a hard time believing that, although I certainly didn't disbelieve it. I've never seen any heroin in person or seen anyone detoxing from it, but I do know it's rough as hell. The thing is, even though there will be addictive issues and cravings and such for life, the actual physical process of smack withdrawal is over in about a week, while Benzo detox can take years for some people, and some report that, while they're much better and happy to be off the drugs, they never quite get back to the way they were before, and that should raise alarms.
 Granted everyone is different, and meds affect people differently, and some lucky people have no problem withdrawing from Benzos, but at the same time I saw quite a few utter horror stories. If nothing else I've learned that tolerance to most substances increases over time. There are two ways to deal with that. The natural urge, and what most people do, is up the dosage to keep getting the desired effect, and most docs will be happy to up your dose. OR, you can back off and decrease your dose. You can also come off drugs (any drugs) the same way. You didn't just start out taking a massive dose of something; you increased gradually, and you can quit the same way. Unfortunately most people don't go that route.
 Since I was concerned about the people I love I clicked on a few vids and I was literally shocked. Sure enough it seems that for some, coming off of Benzos is a living hell. I had no idea. Apparently most people don't either, even doctors. It was crazy to hear about people still having so many horrible symptoms months and even years later, and for the first week or two most people were completely unable to work or even cook or sometimes go to the bathroom without help. That's a lot of shit to go through, especially for a drug that might actually make things worse. Not a one of those people would have started Benzos if they could've gone back and done it over. It's rough, man.
 When I started this I thought about my friend Paul, whom I've mentioned before. Paul is completely, hopelessly and tragically fucked-up for life because of MEDS and meds alone. He's a paranoid, delusional, sad, empty shell of his former self, and it's the drugs that did it. I hope I'm wrong but my gut tells me he may not even be around much longer. I've only spoken with him once since he cursed me out for suggesting he try herbs. He called me a couple of years ago in a panic. I thought at first he was actually calling me up to see if I had any herbs or anything natural that might help, since he knew I was into that stuff. He doesn't believe herbs work at all, which just goes to show indoctrination and the hold the pharmaceutical industry has over us all including doctors. He could be a poster child for Phizer or whomever.
 He called to tell me that he was freaking out because he was running low on Xanax. He'd had to take extra that month because of extra "panic attacks" and he needed more to get him through the end of the month but his doctor was out of town and no other doctors in the office would write him a script. He was about to come unglued. I told him I had several very mild herbs like Catnip and Peppermint and such that would at least help, and he told me to quit preaching at him, which I wasn't doing. I told him I was only trying to help, and I'd be happy to make up a batch of tea and even drive it over to him, which was a long drive. He cursed me so I wished him luck and hung up. It was a damn shame to see that.
 Paul was articulate, funny as shit, generally relaxed; he had friends and girlfriends and he enjoyed his work. He rode miles on his bike and he was in good shape. I was working with him when all the shit started so I saw it from the beginning. He had an episode where he had a lot on his mind and he couldn't sleep. After a few days he was punch-drunk and after a few more he was tripping. It had happened to me and a few other friends so I knew what was going on. If you don't get sleep it's almost 100% like tripping on acid. Your body produces adrenaline to keep you going, but it's toxic to the body so the brain produces a chemical to get rid of it, and it's one atom or molecule different from pure LSD. Paul was tripping without being at a Dead show.
 I told him all he needed to do was break the cycle and get a good night's sleep, whether he had to drink a big bottle of wine or wear himself out on his bike or even take a sleeping pill, but he wouldn't take my advice- he had to see a doctor. For one thing I knew that if he talked to the doc in the condition he was in they'd probably think he was crazy all the time and write him scripts for tons of drugs, and I think that's what happened. He stopped by on his way back from the pharmacy and showed me all his new pills. I tried once more to tell him he only needed sleep and he'd be good as new in just a day or two but he wouldn't hear it. He had Xanax and Clonopin, plus I think also an antidepressant or two, even though he wasn't depressed. At least not yet. He asked for a glass of water and gobbled down his first round of pills and he hasn't looked back.
 A few days later the tripping was completely gone because he finally had a good night's sleep. Even though he was 100% back to normal he continued taking the meds. I don't know why. He left the restaurant where we worked and got a sweet job with ATT. He got married and had two beautiful girls. They had a nice home in a nice part of town. I didn't see him every day after that but I'd see him every other week maybe and I talked to him all the time. Over the next few months he became distant and withdrawn. His sense of humor had vanished. He was getting nervous and irritable, and he even started tripping again, but not from lack of sleep...it was from the meds. Sleep was no problem. He slept all the time because he was so depressed. Finally he lost everything. His wife left him and took the girls and the house. After many sabbaticals and extra vacations and things, and the company being extremely patient with Paul, he finally lost his job last year. He's in a tiny apartment with his dog and his meds and not much else. I guess he's on unemployment now. It's wrong.
 For the last twenty years-plus, whenever we talk on the phone it's never "The girls just started high school" or whatever...the first thing out of his mouth is always "They're still trying to adjust my meds." After the industry destroyed his life he still has complete faith in it. It's brutal. This is OUR system, people. If you want to look into the beginnings of medicine itself (ALL medicines originally came from plants, BTW) and why it might be dangerous in some cases, look into "Pharmakeia." I miss Paul. There's not much left of him. Say what you will...he didn't need all those damn drugs, and anyone who thinks he did is an idiot, including the doctors.
 Speaking of, back in my day doctors understood that Benzos were meant for short-term use, and some sort of other therapy was generally employed. Now it's just "Medicate...on to the next patient." In fact they might order a different round of treatment before automatically prescribing drugs. Not any more. The problem is the aforementioned GABA receptors. At first the meds work with the GABA receptors and inject more of the feel-good chemicals or whatever that enhance the action of the natural substances in the brain, but again it only works for occasional or short-term use. After a while; usually six months or so, the brain has been completely rewired, and can't function without the drugs.
 The chemicals in the meds are much stronger (and much more toxic) than what the brain produces, so it tells the GABA receptor there's no need for the natural substances and it literally shuts off. When seen through an electron microscope the tips of the receptors are withered just like flower buds. They quit working altogether, and it can take up to three years or more to get them to grow back. Look it up. It's a double-whammy if someone wants to quit. Since the natural system is no longer in place, removing the meds leaves someone way in the red as it were. Guess what...if these people go to the doctor, and many do, they'll generally tell them not to come off the meds, or they'll write scripts for even more meds, and the cycle continues. My friend Champ says it's the most evil sales plan in the Universe and he's right.
 Learn something new every day but I had no idea that Benzo withdrawal could be so devastating to some people. I can say without hesitation I'd never take them regularly. No way. Occasionally perhaps but regularly, never. Except for Valium they're way too strong for me anyway. After a couple of hours I'm null and void. Next day they left me depressed, groggy and feeling like dog shit. Maybe thet's why people keep taking them but they weren't for me. From what I've learned about meth and heroin withdrawal, Benzo withdrawal is about like trying to detox from both of those at once and then some. It bummed me out to hear how bad it was for some people. Again everyone's physiology is different and it's also dose-related, and some people have no problem coming off Benzos, but apparently they're the lucky ones. Very lucky.
 I only read the articles and watched the videos because of my friends. The snippets of rumors about Benzo detox being so rough kept popping up in my head. I think my brain wanted me to look into it so I did. It goes to show just how fucked the system is, but most people are fooled. If you have a strong stomach feel free to look into it for yourself. It ain't pretty. If you do learn about it you'll be ahead of the curve- even doctors. I wish my friends would gradually reduce their doses and eventually get off that shit, but most of them are absolutely convinced that they can't function without it, and once their brains are rewired, they really can't.
 The medical community does nothing to counteract that idea. The industry? They WANT us to be sick. If people took care of their cars like they should, and changed the oil and such and kept it healthy (otherwise known as "an ounce of prevention"), how would auto mechanics ever make any money? Think about it. It's completely irresponsible but it is what it is. I wish Benzo people all the best and I hope more people find out about this situation because I really hate to see people get hurt.  Have a mellow day. Don't do drugs.

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