Thursday, February 14, 2019

Word of the Day: Klangfarbe

I haven't been so excited to learn a new word in a while. Today's word is Klangfarbe. It means "timbre." More than that it's a badass word, and any drummer has to love any word with "Klang" in it. Leave it to the Germans to come up with percussive-sounding names. You may not know what a word means but you know it's serious just because of the aggressive sound of it alone. Klangfarbe...I love it. Let me see if I can use it in a sentence...hmm, okay. "A day without Klangfarbe is like a day without sunshine," or maybe "That rhubarb has no Klangfarbe."  How's that? Alls I can say is: Have a nice day and keep on Klangfarben. Too muchen.

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