Monday, February 25, 2019

What Can We Learn from History?

I'm not exactly what you'd call a prude, but all this sexual perversion going on lately, and ramping-up by the day is just too much. Kids are being sexualized, and that's my main concern, even though most parents don't give a shit. In fact they don't even notice. It's sad. Men are being turned into women, and women are being turned into super-heroes. Or should I say heroines? No...that's not gender-neutral. Maybe "heroperson?" Everything is being inverted, and for those brave few wanting to know the truth, and not some spun-truth or "official" truth or my-truth-vs-your-truth, but THE truth, can look into that for starters.
 Just a few days ago a woman LEGALLY married a doll. It was a Voodoo doll to be exact, and she said that the relationship had been consummated and that she and the doll were going to try and have children. I wonder how that works...get a "sample" from it? People have married cars, trees (Druids, no doubt) and even name it. It would be funny if it weren't so sad. Sure I get that these are nutjobs who make people who call ME a nutjob seem laughable, but instead of gently showing them to a nice padded room where maybe they can get the help they so desperately need, we're giving them full-on weddings with ministers and caterers and rings and shit. We're endorsing it. It's a joke. C'mon...who's crazy here? Oh and one sad fuck in Asia just married his sex bot. Legally. They say we'll all be fucking robots before long anyway. Do you 'til cows come home no complain. Wow, there's a real challenge for you, huh?
 They passed laws in Canada recently that lets the State take away kids as young as FIVE YEARS OLD from their parents if they try in any way to stop their kids (AS YOUNG AS FIVE YEARS OLD) from transgendering! You don't think that's coming to the US? Think again. If someone can explain to me how that's a good thing IN ANY WAY, than I'll revamp my whole belief system. I'm not holding my breath. And the whole "gender-fluid"'s complete bullshit. The idea that you can wake up and be Johnny one day and Janie the next is absolutely ludicrous, yet not only are we accepting that idea, we're embracing it. Oh, yeah...and I'm a "hater" simply for questioning something that goes against NATURE. I don't hate anyone, as I've said a million times. Actually I take that back...I DO hate the evil satanic subhumans who're calling the shots.
 Anyway, blah-blah...only about two people ever read this blog anyway, so this will fall on deaf ears, but here's the deal: Scientists who study ancient cultures, and more specifically how and why they failed, noticed one universal trait. When it comes to the downward phase at the end; where the society crumbles and turns to shit, one thing is common to ALL cases- the beginning of the end is marked by "sexual ambiguity." That's where we are, and there you have it. Wake up. Have a nice day.

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