Sunday, February 3, 2019

Doctor Octafer Predicts: Pats Win Super Bowl LIII

I predict that the Patriots will win Super Bowl 53. Is it because I'm an NFL fan or a stats geek or anything like that? Heck no. i didn't even know what teams were playing until a few days ago. I have no idea what the points spread is and I don't care. All I need to know is the teams and a couple of things that are unrelated to the game or to sports at all.
 Of course there's a 50-50 chance of each team winning, so it isn't like I'm making a prediction against thousand-to-one odds, and it won't prove anything to me or anyone else if the Pats win. I was going to talk about how I've been trying to warn people that there are some truly evil people calling the shots in this world and how they control nearly everything and how they've had millennia to hone the system and how they love to use numbers to code things and to communicate, and how my prediction is based on numbers and all of that, but people are so quick these days to call you crazy simply because you think outside the box, so for now I'll just leave it with my prediction. Pats win.

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