Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Cool Goodbyes

Over a decade ago my sister and bro-in-law moved away from a cool house in a cool neighborhood in a cool part of the state. It was near not one but two Nature preserves, so it was always Critter City around there. It's called Roebuck Springs and sure enough there were little springs and streams and things running everywhere. It was a great old house and they'd never have moved if not for wanting to have my niece in a better school system. I had a lot of adventures over there to say the least.
 The last day they were officially there was the day I took this photo. I'd been over grabbing last-minute stuff and sweeping the carport or whatever. In fact they were already gone. I was standing there looking at the house for the last time and I decided to snap a final photo. I started to leave but then I decided to have a look around the yard and see if I could find a souvenir- maybe a cool rock or a pine knot or whatever.
 I was walking around bent over looking at the ground and I noticed a familiar shape. I looked down and saw part of an arrowhead sticking out of the ground. I dug it out and saw that it was a nice one and in really good shape. Score. I'd never found an arrowhead in their yard even though I knew they must be around, and I probably ran over it with the lawnmower fifty times. You just never know and I'm glad I decided to have one more look. I printed the photo and put it, along with the arrowhead that you can see in the bottom-right corner, into one of my "Freak Boxes" which display some of my various and sundry smaller doodads and whatsits I've collected over the years. It's a nice way to remember the place, and finding an arrowhead anywhere is cool. Hope you're well, house. Someone's enjoying you I know.

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