Saturday, November 30, 2024


 This "influencer" Jeffrey Marsh is a perfect example of the "woke" agenda. Jeff-Bob has put out several videos telling people that they should disown family members if they voted for Trump. Say what?

 The very idea should be insane by anyone's definition but that's exactly what people are doing as we speak. Is much of the world losing its collective mind? I think so.

 He and Dylan Mulvaney are making millions talking this shit. If you disagree with ANYTHING they say, it's "hate speech." Bullshit. Telling people that they're "obligated" to disown their own famn damilies because their loved ones voted for a different clown than they did? In what world is that not hate speech? Oh yeah...Clown World (insert calliope music here).

 In the same paragraph he, or she said that his, or her people treat others with kindness, and a vote for Trump was a vote against kindness. That's utter horseshit. Is disowning one's family members an act of kindness in any way?

 And BTW, I'll happily respect and use whichever pronouns they choose. I've never had a problem in my whole life calling anyone what they want to be called. I guess I was "woke" before woke was cool. Ha-ha...HA-HA-HA. Sorry, I needed a laugh.

 Can you not see the blatant hypocrisy here? Where's the acceptance they want from everyone else...where's the tolerance? Hmm? Whom do these people think they're fooling? 

 They preach inclusivity, but it only applies to those who subscribe to their woke bullshit. They want us to accept their idea that there's 187 genders, or however many we're supposedly up to by now, but they sure don't want to Include people who say there's only two. More blatant hypocrisy? You bet. 

 Yet again anyone who calls this "hate speech" is a complete moron. I don't hate ANYONE, and that includes Jeffrey. I pray for these people every day. And no, I'm not a Trumper or a right-wing conservative or a gun-toting "Christian" or any of that. Don't blame me...I voted for Zappa.

 I believe in good and evil, right and wrong, light and darkness and God and the Devil. Although it's self-mutilation at best, I believe that people should be able to lop off or augment any body part they choose, but when they think they can change the very laws of Biology by how they "identify" on a given day...well, they can believe what they wish but it's a mystery to me. 

 Have the Biology books been rewritten to include all 187 genders? I doubt it but in Clown World I guess I wouldn't be surprised. Grab some popcorn...things are about to get really interesting.

 We've heard the phrase "Practice what you preach." These woke folks don't do that at all. It's more of a "Do as I say, not as I do" thing, and Jeffrey here proves it in his or her own words. Kindness? My white ass. Wake up, people. Don't buy into the bullshit just because it's trending. Woke is a joke.

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