Thank you very much for reading my blog, but I'm really just trying to learn to type faster. Might be occasional nudity or profanity, or I might talk about crazy stuff. I may forget and mention something twice. This is an ad-free blog. Enter at your own risk. All images = CLICK TO ENLARGE.
Saturday, November 30, 2024
Test for Narcissism #38
This "influencer" Jeffrey Marsh is a perfect example of the "woke" agenda. Jeff-Bob has put out several videos telling people that they should disown family members if they voted for Trump. Say what?
The very idea should be insane by anyone's definition but that's exactly what people are doing as we speak. Is much of the world losing its collective mind? I think so.
He and Dylan Mulvaney are making millions talking this shit. If you disagree with ANYTHING they say, it's "hate speech." Bullshit. Telling people that they're "obligated" to disown their own famn damilies because their loved ones voted for a different clown than they did? In what world is that not hate speech? Oh yeah...Clown World (insert calliope music here).
In the same paragraph he, or she said that his, or her people treat others with kindness, and a vote for Trump was a vote against kindness. That's utter horseshit. Is disowning one's family members an act of kindness in any way?
And BTW, I'll happily respect and use whichever pronouns they choose. I've never had a problem in my whole life calling anyone what they want to be called. I guess I was "woke" before woke was cool. Ha-ha...HA-HA-HA. Sorry, I needed a laugh.
Can you not see the blatant hypocrisy here? Where's the acceptance they want from everyone else...where's the tolerance? Hmm? Whom do these people think they're fooling?
They preach inclusivity, but it only applies to those who subscribe to their woke bullshit. They want us to accept their idea that there's 187 genders, or however many we're supposedly up to by now, but they sure don't want to Include people who say there's only two. More blatant hypocrisy? You bet.
Yet again anyone who calls this "hate speech" is a complete moron. I don't hate ANYONE, and that includes Jeffrey. I pray for these people every day. And no, I'm not a Trumper or a right-wing conservative or a gun-toting "Christian" or any of that. Don't blame me...I voted for Zappa.
I believe in good and evil, right and wrong, light and darkness and God and the Devil. Although it's self-mutilation at best, I believe that people should be able to lop off or augment any body part they choose, but when they think they can change the very laws of Biology by how they "identify" on a given day...well, they can believe what they wish but it's a mystery to me.
Have the Biology books been rewritten to include all 187 genders? I doubt it but in Clown World I guess I wouldn't be surprised. Grab some popcorn...things are about to get really interesting.
We've heard the phrase "Practice what you preach." These woke folks don't do that at all. It's more of a "Do as I say, not as I do" thing, and Jeffrey here proves it in his or her own words. Kindness? My white ass. Wake up, people. Don't buy into the bullshit just because it's trending. Woke is a joke.
Friday, November 29, 2024
Saint B
I love this photo of B. With the coverlet around him it looks like he has a halo or an aura, or sort of like a painting of one of the saints. I showed this to a friend who's gotten to know him, and she's going to print a copy. She has a nice rig. Her printer isn't bad either, ark ark ark.
She commented on how photogenic he is. Lots of people have said that. He is a looker. It really is mind-blowing to think what a chick magnet he'd be if I were 40 years younger.
My friend who lives in Wilsonville where I was staying and has also gotten to know him calls him "Maybelline dog" because of his natural eyeliner. In his case it's guyliner.
He makes friends easily. When we go to the vet he's anxious like the other dogs but he's so friendly that he goes around the waiting room and greets everybody. They love him and say he's one of their best patients. They said he looks happy. That's awesome.
People who get to know him know that he's a special animal. Several people have completely fallen in love with him. They all think he has something extra going on, and some have called it angelic.
I agree. I could be wrong but I think God sent him to me to show His love for me. He's the only dog I've ever gotten from a breeder. It was about a 40-minute drive each way. I called to tell them I was on the way. They said that they had two male puppies left.
I didn't want to have to choose and I'd have wanted to get both of them, but by the time I got there someone had gotten the other one. I think he was meant to be my dog, no matter who may or may not have had a hand in it.
He was eight weeks old and cute as a button. I was the first human he'd ever seen besides the couple who raised him, and when he saw me he hid. He was small enough to hide behind a 10" throw pillow. I just sat down and waited for him to come out. A minute or two later he came out and just sat there looking at me like "We're cool." "You're coming with me" I said. As Hardy would say, "It was meeyent to be."
These pics are from his first night with me. When I saw him sitting there with that look on his face I knew immediately knew he had Buddha Nature. Within an hour he'd become master of all he could survey.
He was getting sleepy by 9:00 so I went to bed early. At around 3am we were both awakened by a truly rank and pungent aroma that was powerful enough to wake us both up. We both farted in our sleep at the same time. It was pretty rugged.
I had some unusually heinous gas, and while puppy breath is one of the greatest aromas on the planet, puppy farts are a different story. The combination of the two farts was like chemical warfare or something. I woke up with a stankface and he woke up sneezing. That was funny. We bonded over poots.
For the record his registered name is Doctor Octafer's Herbert Sherbert. His mother's name is Delilah and his father's name is Digger. He has a million nicknames. With the exception of nicknames like "Asswipe" and such, nicknames are terms of endearment.
He wags his tail so much that if I could harness that energy I could go off the grid. He's a goodwill ambassador. If he wasn't such a hellion and a life-support system for a nose, I might not even think he's a dog.
He's a sweetheart, and that's an angelic quality. I don't suppose I can nominate him for sainthood but I can add another nickname to the list- Saint Bertram. He's a goodun. Bless his heart.
Thursday, November 28, 2024
'Bye Flies
Wednesday, November 27, 2024
One More from the Lake
I've calmed down a little about leaving this place. I know it has to happen for now, but I'll be back. Someone put up some nice lights across the highway. This image came out a bit blurry but it looks a lot cooler than the one that wasn't. 'Tis the season.
B is taking full advantage of the place for as long as he can. He one by one pulled things out of the garbage if they had one molecule of food in them. Finally he got tired of being systematic and so he knocked over the whole dang thing. He's a hellion.
I hope that wherever the wheel turns it drops us somewhere where we can put down roots for a while. I may be wrong but I do believe God has opened doors for me, and hopefully He'll open a few more. A tolerant woman would be okay too.
God helps those who help themselves, and I'm willing to work very hard to help those doors open. I've certainly done it before. God is good. Happy Holidays!
Nature Boys
I'm leaving the lake place in the morning and I'm packing up. I feel awful right now...almost physically sick. I'm feeling so many different things that I guess my brain doesn't know which chemicals to release so it just released them all. It's very uncomfortable.
Part of it is not knowing what's next, but something feels wrong about leaving. There were a few other disadvantages to this place that I didn't mention. I never could get my drums down here, which would've totally changed things. We couldn't get much exercise because we were surrounded by water on two sides, a large fence and a highway on the other two.
I thought I'd be mobile three months ago but it didn't happen. Mostly I sat in the place all day long. Thank God for my dog. Speaking of B, I've mentioned it already but it's amazing how guilty I feel taking him away from here. He'll be fine but he loves it here way more than in the city.
I also had to go through losing my mom while I was here, and alone to boot. Again I thank God for my dog. For about three weeks after she passed I couldn't get more than two hours of sleep a night. I just stared at the walls all night long, and I was so ready to get out of here I couldn't stand it. Now I feel bad about leaving.
I think it's the thought of leaving Nature. I hate leaving the fresh air too. It's been very healing for both of us. I can easily feel the difference and so can B. We're both Nature boys.
I've mentioned this many times but it's been scientifically proven that our brains need some sort of a connection to Nature in order to function properly. I could've told you that without any scientific studies. It literally recharges our batteries.
My instinct is to stay right where I am, but I can't. I've got to get my shit together and for now that requires being near civilization. I do wish I could fill up a bunch of scuba tanks with the air out here, and breathe it when I get back to the city.
I hope I can shake this feeling. If I do get my shit together I'll definitely be getting back into Nature as often as I possibly can. I'll be apologizing to my dog the whole way back into town. Sorry dude! We'll be back.
Tuesday, November 26, 2024
Goodbye Sky
B and I just went for our last good nighttime walk here at the lake. Tomorrow night will be cloudy and we're leaving Thursday morning. We had a good time. It's getting chilly at night but we love this weather.
Monday, November 25, 2024
Transfixed and Transported
Sunday, November 24, 2024
Image of the Day
This was posted by one of my YouTube friends. YT has a community page where you can post photos, links and such. She says that it looks like a cowboy at a bar. My level of pareidolia is off the charts but I saw it immediately. It looks like he's slumped over drunk. That's awesome. Good one Michele.
Syd's Synesthesia
You learn something new every day, and I'm a fool for a Rock doc. I'll watch a documentary about any band, even ones I never listened to. I'd watch a doc about the Banana Splits if they'd made one. Heck, for all I know maybe they did. I'll have to search. If they did I'll watch it.
I was watching a thing about Syd Barrett, original guitarist and songwriter of Pink Floyd. People into "Classic Rock" history have likely heard about Syd and his misadventures.
He was very reluctantly released from the band after he basically flew over the Cuckoo's nest. Syd was gifted but he blew a chip and only recorded one album with the band plus several singles and a few songs that were released on the next record.
Syd fried his brain with acid, but according to several accounts by close friends who are still pissed off like I am, it wasn't his fault. He did take acid willingly, but apparently he was so entertaining when he was tripping that some of his "friends" helped him along by spiking his drinks with even more acid, to see how "out" he could get. That's uncool. That's so very uncool.
Like any powerful drug, exceeding the usual dose to a large degree can be extremely dangerous if not fatal. Lots of people took too much acid all at once and never completely returned from the trip. I've known a few myself. It's a very sad thing.
After a couple of post-Floyd solo albums that are brilliant, and a half-hearted attempt at a comeback, Syd retired from the music biz and moved in with his parents, gardening and having nothing to do with music ever again.
He tried to live an ordinary life but the damage was done and he never recovered from his acid journeys. It's a horrible shame. He's gone now. I hope he eventually found peace.
There's an incredible story about the time he just showed up out of the blue at the studio where Pink Floyd was recording Wish You Were Here. He wandered in and sat down without saying a word, and no one recognized him. I guess security was a bit lax in those days.
He'd brought along a toothbrush and spent the whole time brushing his teeth in silence. I don't know if that's Rock & Roll but it's pretty out there. As if that weren't crazy enough, they happened to be recording the song Shine On You Crazy Diamond, which was a song about Syd. What are the odds?
You can call it a coincidence all day of the week but I think that with things on that level of specificity there may be a bit more to it. That's heavy. Needless to say the band was shocked when they realized it was Syd, and most of them burst into tears.
The doc said that when he wrote charts for songs he used colors instead of musical notes. I'd never heard that. How interesting. Syd had Synesthesia. I'm not surprised because acid can cause it, or at least enhance it.
I've been to Dead shows tripping, and I could "see" the music coming out of the speakers. It seemed totally real and it made perfect sense. I think it's already there and acid just brings it out, but as always what do I know? I'm not a doctor.
Toward the end of his time with Floyd he was famous, or infamous, for doing things like going out onstage and playing a single guitar note for the entire show. Now that's Rock & Roll.
There's also an incident where he allegedly went onstage with a whole jar of hair cream in his hair, along with a bottle of crushed-up Mandrax tablets. Mandrax (methaqualone) was the British equivalent of Quaaludes.
I always thought that story was sus, and some years ago I read an interview by a member of the band who shot the story down. He said: "Syd would never waste good Mandies." I love that.
I'd love to see some of the charts Syd wrote and I wish I knew what chord went with what color. The doc said that to Syd, a C- Major chord was "obviously" yellow. Who am I to say that a C-Major chord isn't yellow?Lifelong Friends
Friends come and go but lifelong friends are a different story- you can't replace them. I've bragged on my friends a million times and I treasure them, especially lifelong friends. Sometimes though we lose them too, and it can hurt.
Saturday, November 23, 2024
Comment of the Day
Way back in the Dark Ages when it first came out I played it for my mom and she loved it. She said: "God wrote that song." Although it was credited to Fogelberg I really couldn't disagree.
I've been thinking about my mom all day and her comment about the song popped into my head so I thought I'd give it a spin for old time's sake.
The first comment under the song was "The Lord wrote these lyrics." That was interesting and it brought it home for me. Maybe mom was right. Heck, maybe she and Dan are doing a duet right now. I do hope so. I love you mom. RIP Dan.
Quote of the Day
"When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, we're being ruled by criminals." - Edward Snowden
Friday, November 22, 2024
ROFL/Johnny O/Fear of Reptiles/Goodbye Ed's
My friend Bruce called last night after he'd sent me a link about a landmark pet store, Ed's Pet World, that's closing after half a century or more in business. It's a shame and it's the end of an era. I probably went there at least 350 times. Ed's a character to say the least. So was our friend Johnny Odess.
Bruce reminded me of a story I'd forgotten but was thrilled to hear again. I've been needing a good laugh.
He started telling me about one day when we all paid a visit to Ed's. As with any visit to a pet shop we were as stoned as possible. Ed didn't care. He probably was too. Ed was older and had been a real hippy. He was the last of his kind.
I still remember the dank funkiness of the place...the aroma of fish water, sawdust and cedar shavings, animal dookie and the humidity.
Bruce started telling me the story but he barely got past the part where we walked in before he started laughing. There was a room off to the side that served as a mini zoo, with snakes and all manner of exotic reptiles.
Bruce was trying to tell me the story but he couldn't talk from laughing. I heard him laugh but then he got quiet except for some squeaks and sounds as if he couldn't catch his breath.
He has MS and I thought for a minute that he was having some sort of attack or something. "Talk to me man" I said, but he couldn't reply. Finally I realized that he was literally helpless with laughter, so I started laughing too. We were both cracking up before he even told the story. It was great.
We'd gone into the zoo section. There was a sweet older black women who was basically in there against her will. She had a fear of snakes but her daughter had dragged her in.
Johnny was wide open, and if he saw an opportunity to make merriment or cause a laugh he wouldn't hesitate. Johnny was a total hoot. We never knew what he was going to do, and that day he outdid himself.
After several minutes of coaxing and cajoling, the daughter finally convinced her mom, bless her heart, to get closer to an aquarium which held a large green tree snake.
Mom gingerly poked her head down toward the snake, which didn't move. "See?" her daughter said. "He won't hurt you." She hadn't figured on Johnny O.
Johnny got a look on his face...his trademark grin that let us know he was up to something. We braced for impact. As she inched closer to the snake, Johnny casually reached over and lightly brushed her hair with a fingertip.
She let out a scream that could wake the dead. She took off and ran straight out the front door. Johnny had a satisfied smile on his face and we were howling with laughter. That was classic. I'm glad she didn't have a coronary event.
Johnny went out and apologized to the poor woman. She laughed and playfully punched him in the chest. "Oh, YOU!" she said. Her daughter was still cracking up and she gave Johnny a high-five.
I doubt it did much to cure the woman's fear of snakes, but it made our day, and it made my night to hear the story again. For an older lady she could really move. Again, bless her heart. Johnny's too.
The Lake Loon Adventure is Almost Over
The Sun is about to set on my Lake Loon adventure. I've been living on Lay Lake out in the boonies for the last four months. It's had its ups and downs but having been cut off from Nature for years and then to be totally immersed in it was exactly what I needed.
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The first day Mr. B had never seen a duck up close and he felt like he needed to give her what for. It didn't even ruffle her feathers. The next day he quit barking at Daphne and he was cool with her, although he remained curious.
Thursday, November 21, 2024
The New Insanity
People are getting divorced, disowning family members; women are swearing off men forever and worse. One deranged woman is sitting in jail with a $2,000,00 bond for "unaliving" her father with a climbing ax because he voted for Trump. When police arrived they found her clapping, and giddy with happiness. Authorities called her "unstable and dangerous." Ya think? Talk about hate speech. This is just the beginning.
It's deeply troubling. These people have no self control whatsoever. This is exactly why I don't get involved with politics to the degree that many of my friends do. It's "divide and conquer," which is A STRATEGY OF WAR. Believe it or not there's at least a dozen levels above the president in terms of who calls the shots in this world.
Whom do you think would have more influence...someone worth ten million or someone worth ten billion? The elite banking families and the military/industrial complex call the shots. If you think otherwise you need to do some research.
One of my main info guys was saying yesterday that as far as women swearing off men goes, we men should be happy, since it removes a good chunk of loonies from the dating pool. He's absolutely correct.
Nearly everything, from prices to rent to meteors to weather is ramping-up exponentially, and that includes insanity. As crazy as people are getting now, I believe it's going to get much worse. A certain book that was written 2,000 years ago said that this would happen. Coincidence? I think not. Have a nice day, but watch your back.
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
Protest T-Shirt
I'm going to have a custom t-shirt printed. I'm going to find an image associated with the Grateful You-Know-What, and the text will say "Grateful Unalived." Since it's getting cold I think I'll get a long sleeve T. Only other dorks like me will get it, although my girl Marnie would get a kick out of it, and she's not a dork. Maybe it'll raise awareness. Maybe it won't.
Tuesday, November 19, 2024
AI's Progress: Dark Things
I've been following AI's progress as long as I've been blogging. Of course I can only observe what we're shown. I believe, like many others, that AI is light years ahead of what John Q. Public knows. I wouldn't be surprised if it's already self-aware. They tell us that hasn't happened yet but that it's a virtual certainty at some point. But is there a dark side to it?
To me it's an amazing tool, and it's here to stay, for the time being anyway. I do know that it's way more involved in our lives than most people realize. It can be used for good; it's coming up with new medical treatments and all kinds of ways to help us by the minute, and I've used it myself, but I also think it has the potential to be extremely dangerous, and I do believe there's a dark side to it...very dark.
I'm not alone in thinking that way, and before you call anyone paranoid, consider that the person, civilian anyway, most involved with AI, Elon Mush, has warned about it. That's rather ironic but I listen to what he has to say. I might not agree on everything but I listen. He's a smart dude.
Many years ago they were saying that one day we wouldn't be able to tell it from reality, and we're there. With programs such as Deep Fake and such they can create a video for example that looks perfectly real, although it never happened. That's not a good thing.
AI can scan a few seconds of someone talking, and produce a fake video, complete with proper mouth movements, inflections and everything else. They can make anyone say anything, and if they wanted to frame someone it's no problem. That's not a good thing.
The things my guys say about AI would truly blow your mind, but I won't go into them right now, because something just came up about AI that's truly disturbing. AI is now being used to create virtual "chylde p0rn." That's evil in most people's book.
BTW don't you love how we have to self-censor these days, when they know exactly what we mean? It's a joke. To them it's the principle of the thing. It's CONTROL they want, and you can take that to the bank.
Granted that in order for AI to create anything there has to be an imput; in other words you have to let AI know what you want it to do, but once it gets a basic outline it runs with it on its own. Does that mean that AI is inherently evil? Technically no, but it's open to debate.
I didn't watch the entire video that this image was taken from because I was starting to feel sick but I will at some point. I'm guessing that if and when people get caught with it, they'll try saying that since there's no real victim then there's no crime, and they'll probably get away with it.
This is disturbing and disgusting. It's not AI's fault that it was created in an evil world, but that doesn't say whether or not there was something dark to begin with. I know that sounds crazy to many people, but I can say, after looking into these things for over a quarter of a century that you can't rule ANYTHING out, no matter your beliefs or opinions.
If there's a shred of decency and if it's not too late, they'd alter the programming so that AI couldn't make that garbage, but I guess that can't be done. I wish we could eliminate the real shit too. That'll never happen, but we certainly don't need AI creating more, and possibly allowing people to watch it without consequences.
The thing is, it's susceptible to the laws of diminishing return. In other words most addictions get stronger with time. Some perv might start out with the virtual filth, move on to the real stuff, and the end result might be actual victims. They're also making lifelike robot babies, and they're not used for for wholesome purposes. It's unpleasant to talk about but people need to know this stuff so they can hopefully fight it.
We don't want to dwell on negative things but we absolutely need to be aware of them. There's still beauty, good people, sunsets, puppies and kittens and such in this world, but if you have a brain you know that overall it's getting more evil by the day. We certainly don't need AI making it worse. Stay vigilant. PROTECT OUR KIDS! Our kids are the future...future...uture...ture...ure...rr.
Monday, November 18, 2024
No More Men
This woman is one of thousands across the country who, because of the election results, say that they'll never again sleep with a man. Many of them suggest giving up men forever and becoming "Thespians." Okay.
When I see people like this I have to wonder if they're happy and at peace with themselves, and I have to think they're not. Why would you do this to yourself? The hair is one thing but that reminds me of a Slipknot mask. Kissy face? No thanks.
So she's never going to sleep with men again. Hey, her body her choice, right? Speaking for myself, and countless men who still appreciate decency, common sense and beauty, it's noooooooooooo problem.
Sunday, November 17, 2024
Comment of the Day
She was describing the moment she supposedly realized that she was in the wrong apartment, and she said that she looked around and realized that it wasn't her couch or her TV. Oops.
My comment was: "And you may ask yourself, this is not my beautiful couch...this is not my beautiful TV...well, how did I get here?" I couldn't resist. Talking Heads fans will get it. Ha-ha.
The Mothership Connection, and Other Stories
For my money there's only two kinds of music- good and bad. The record companies needed to categorize music so they'd know which bin to put it in, so we got all the genres and sub-genres and it got ridiculous. Emo begat Screamo, Punk spawned New Wave and there's fifty shades of Metal.
I love examples of almost every kind of music, from Jazz to Classical to R&B to Rock, with a huge love of Progressive, later shortened to "Prog," but if I had to pick only one style to listen to and/or play drums to for the rest of my life, it'd be Funk.
There's so much feeling in Funk. It encompasses elements of Rock and Jazz, but it's its own thing. It has a "groove" as deep as the ocean. The coolest thing about it to me is the sense of "implied swing." You can be playing a straight beat, as in "Boom boom bap, boom boom bap," but it has a dotted-eighth or Shuffle feel to it, as in "Ba-dop Ba-dop Ba-dop." It's not played, only felt.
How it works is a mystery. As far as drumming is concerned, you're playing a straight beat but you're thinking Shuffle or Swing. It's a mind thing. They've actually done studies where the drummer will be playing one thing but thinking of another, and even though the other thing is not being played, the audience can hear it or feel it. It's extraordinary.
I have to mention one night when I was playing with an acoustic band called Noble Freeland. It was anything but Funk, but I'd try to inject some of that feel whenever possible.
We were playing at a local watering hole and it was packed. Some nights we'd outdo ourselves and take it to a different level, and for my money that was by far the most intense we ever played in all the years I played with them.
My good buddy Sam, a drummer-brother from another mother, was there. The whole room was dancing and the energy level was off the charts. I was playing a little stand-up rig with a small snare drum and tiny bongos and cymbals.
Something happened that night that I still can't explain. There was a different kind of energy in the room that I've never experienced before or since. I was standing on my tip toes and I felt like I was going to levitate, and maybe pass right through the ceiling and up into the sky. And no, it wasn't due to some was the Muse.
At one point I did this fill on the snare drum alone. If I'd been playing a regular drum kit I'd have played the fill on the toms but I didn't have any. I was thinking about toms though. I happened to look at Sam when I did the fill, and his eyes bugged out.
I was talking to him on the break and he was still bug-eyed. He said: "Man, when you played that crazy fill, I heard toms!" I told him that I was thinking about toms. That was wild and it flipped us both out. That's music for you...sometimes there's something extra going on, and it can't be explained. In my book the Muse is funky.
Sly and the Family Stone share pride-of-place in my Funk collection, and the tune Thank You (Fa Lettin' Me Be Mice Elf Agin) is ground zero for Funk, but it doesn't get any funkier that the band Parliament/Funkadelic, or P-Funk. If listening to P-Funk doesn't make you want to dance, you'd better check your pulse, because you may be on the way to meet your maker.
There's not enough space here to say everything I could say about P-Funk, but aside from Sly and a couple others, they put Funk on the map. I got to see them live once and it was life-changing. They made Funk accessible to white people. Great music has no color, or expiration date.