Saturday, January 13, 2024

Polar Bi-Vortex

This is wild. This is a view of the polar vortex at the North Pole. Normally it's one circle that roughly circles the Pole, but it's split in two, and may be trying to split into a third circle. This is from 3 or 4 days ago. I haven't seen a recent image but I imagine it's still about the same. No wonder we're about to get hit by an arctic blast that's going to smash records from coast to coast. Climate change indeed. 

 In the eight years or so that I've been looking at satellite images more closely, I've seen the polar vortex do some pretty crazy things- change shape, unravel somewhat, shake and shimmy and send a blast of cold air all the way down to Florida, but I've never seen it split in two. Not that it's never happened but I haven't seen it, and lots of people are talking about it.

 If you ask me I think this image looks a little like a face, with two eyes, a big nose and a turned-up mouth that seems to be saying "Y'all are FUCKED." What could cause it to split in two? I'm not a Meteorologist or anything else, but I'd guess it was caused by a wobble or a tilt. If you drew a circle on top of a top and spun it, at first the circle would be stable and remain in the middle, but as the top slowed down and began to wobble, the circle would be all over the place. But WTF do I know, right?

 Oh, wait...I do know. The Earth has tilted at least twice, by a bit less than half a degree each time. That might not sound like a lot, but it is. They aren't going to publicize this fact, and they may even try to deny it, because some people would get alarmed, but it happened. Climate change? This is Climate Change City. 

 Here's the kicker though...if you're going to keep believing that it's 100% due to human activity ike they say, and not a cyclical thing that's happened many times in Earth's past, and long before soccer moms driving SUVs and barbecue grills were around, not to mention all the volcanoes currently erupting and spewing megatons of "greenhouse gases," you really should look into it more. 

 My guys say that bizarre weather, like everything else these days, is ramping-up exponentially, and we haven't seen anything yet. If that's true, then to blame it solely on human activity, when more and more people are switching to electric cars, gas-powered lawn equipment is being outlawed, new homes no longer have fireplaces and everything else, is foolish. If human activity was the only thing responsible for climate change, then the weather should be getting better, right? 

 In any case there's going to be a cold week ahead for most of the country. It's supposed to go down to 13 here, and we're in the deep-ass South. I really feel for the animals. I feel for humans too, but only to a degree. Most have a choice. So, what up with that vortex? Buckle-up y'all, and stay warm. Say a prayer if so inclined. It's what I do. Am I a backward bumpkin for saying that? Maybe. We'll see.


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