Thursday, February 2, 2023

The Result of a Godless Society 8

Here's a biological male who's transitioning to a female, complaining about his...umm, or rather "her" newfound "periods." This person's breasts were sore and they had awful stomach cramps. Maybe some Mydol would help with the cramps, but it would take something much, much stronger to help with a twisted mindset, and in my opinion that would be the God that I worship.

 The problem isn't so much sad and delusional people like this, but rather that a surprising number of people actually believe this bullshit. The Elites are shoving this agenda down our throats, because it's how they roll, and they want everyone else believing this shit too. It's a joke. BTW, if anyone calls this "hate speech" they're simply a fool. It's called "reality." Biological males don't have periods, period. 

 If this is the insanity you believe and the world you embrace, then I truly feel badly for you, because in the next world, if there is indeed one, things may not go so well for you. The truth is the truth, and no one can spin it. Wake up. 

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