Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Back to Incandescent

I just now did something I've been wanting to do for a long time...I went back to incandescent bulbs. I knew I'd be pleased with the results, but I was blown away by the difference, and acutely aware of the time I've been used to LED bulbs. 

 Although Obama signed the incandescent bulb business out of business during his term, there's still a fair amount of stock left that luckily hasn't yet been made illegal. Obama was just the puppet who wielded the pen anyway. You can buy them on Amazon, but if you dig around pretty good and compare prices, you can get them cheaper on eBay.

 I ended up getting a dozen 60w frosted bulbs for like $18.75 plus tax, which is worth every penny. I had to dig back into my incandescent memory when deciding which bulbs to buy. I remembered that 100w were generally a bit bright for a cozy den or living room, 75s were good for reading, but 60w bulbs gave a nice general ambiance (French pronunciation, please) to the room. 

 Sure, LED bulbs use less juice, and that's great. Sure they burn much cooler and last longer. So what? When it's something you have to live with every day, you have to weigh it out. It may or may not be worth it. Plus I've been "Green" since junior high anyway, and I've conserved resources to a degree some would find compulsive. Like I've said a million times...if I were God I'd have made an 11th Commandment- "Thou Shalt Not Waste." I hate using more energy and all with these bulbs, but the vibe is way worth it. 

 There are four lamps in the room, and when I changed the first bulb I was like "Oh hell yeah...that thing." The difference in the warmth of the color was so striking that it almost looked orange for a minute. Gone was the clinically-white light of the LED bulb, and in its place was a warm glow more akin to sunlight. When I'd replaced all four bulbs, looking around the room was like going back in time a couple of decades. 

 Granted, to young people who've grown up with LED bulbs, incandescent light might look weird or "not bright enough." I started to take before and after photos but I didn't think the difference would be so noticeable. It's so different that I'm going to put back the LED bulbs just to take photos, and a video going around the room. The difference is surprising, and worth documenting. 

 Like everything else in the Universe, it's a frequency deal. I'm guessing that the frequency of incandescent bulbs is much closer to what humans have experienced forever, and certainly since the days of the electric lightbulb. As soon as all four bulbs were changed, it was almost as if the air got sweeter and easier to breathe. It instantly felt much homier. It depends on what you like. I like. 

 It may have just been the slight euphoria from going back in time to the incandescent days, but I think it's more than that. It's like I can feel a very mild but very pleasant energy in my chest and on my arms and the part of my face that isn't covered by hair. It could just be that I'm tripping, but it feels very real. You certainly wouldn't want to put fluorescent lights in your living room, and without going into details, some say LED bulbs aren't good in some ways. 

 Whatever it is or isn't, the room is so much warmer and less clinical. My mom immediately noticed and was very pleased. She said it was so much warmer, and before I mentioned anything about the "vibe," she said that it was like the air in the room felt better, and it's interesting she said that. It's just another frequency deal. 

 The only disadvantage is that it takes away from the salt lamps just a bit. In the former stark-white light of the LEDs they stood out more, and drew your eyes to them, proving to me that those light frequencies are the ones our brains like best. It's closer to the color of the Sun and the color of fire. It's kinda primal I reckon. 

 When I came back in from taking a walk it was like "Ahhhhhh...nice." Again, I knew I'd probably like it better, but the difference is ten times what I thought it'd be. If it weren't so damn much better I'd go right back to LEDs. I'll probably switch back this Summer, to save on AC costs, but as long as we can still buy incandescent bulbs, I'll never go back to LEDs. I'm extremely pleased. It's a frequency deal. 

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