These motherfuckers...sometimes I just don't know what to say about them, except for what I've said a million times and still enjoy it every time I say it- They can take every televangelist on TV, stuff them into a clown car and drive it off a pier. I'd "tithe" to see that for sure.
I have a hard time deciding who's worse...some days it's "Boy Wonder" Joel Osteen, some days it's Joyce "Jive-Ass" Meyer or super-demon Kenneth Copeland or several other clowns, but when it comes to narcissism, Jesse D takes the cake.
Did you hear that Jesse has been to Heaven? That's right, he has...apparently for 5 hours and 15 minutes to be exact. Jesse tends to reiterate things he wants to make sure we get, and he mentioned that exact amount of time more than once. It's interesting he'd be so clear on the amount of time he was in Heaven. I'd think that any concept of time would vanish in such an incredible event.
When I go to Six Flags I don't give a fuck what time it could it be any different in Heaven? Did they have a wall clock up there? Did Jesse still have on his Rolex watch? Maybe his cellphone? How did he keep track of time? Did he look at the clock at the exact moment he left Earth, and at the moment he returned?
If someone told you they'd visited Heaven, if you even believed them at all, you might ask how long they were there. Probably 99.99% of people would say something like "I don't know...maybe around five hours or more." Who'd ever say "5 hours and 15 minutes" in normal conversation, much less when describing something like being in Heaven? Since he made it a big point to emphasize them, let's have a quick look, shall we?
Without going into the Numerology of it all, except to say that numbers are extremely important to the Elites, and they do EVERYTHING by the numbers, by addition and reduction and by how the numbers would be separated when written out, we can get 3, 6, 11 and 12. 11 is a Master Number and the rest are just as significant. Granted you can also get 2, 5 and 7, but those numbers tend to be disregarded.
It does sound rather arbitrary or coincidental, and granted it could be, but they do go by the numbers. If you should ever happen to do any research into these folks, besides the fact that they're Luciferins, the first thing you'll learn is that they go by the numbers, and they don't ever stray from that policy.
Anyway, here's an overview of Jesse's incredible level of narcissism and his view of himself. This is from clips of different televised sermons, where he's told the story over and over. Now to be perfectly fair, I can't say for certain that Jesse didn't go to Heaven, but I seriously doubt it. All the people sitting in the audience...or rather congregation I guess, who are going "AMEN!" as he tells his story for the 335th time believe it though. Those are arbitrary numbers I just picked BTW, but, ha-ha, you can get some of the same other numbers from them. Maybe it all really is arbitrary. I wish...
As Jesse goes up to Heaven for 5:15, and right off the bat the angels thank him for visiting...twice. He saw a horse, and it thanked him too. The horse said, and I quote, "Thanks for coming!" Before long Jesse ran into John, aka John the Baptist. Guess what...yep, John thanked Jesse too. They walked past John's home and Jesse commented on how nice it was. "Yeah, but you should see your home" John replied.
What he's saying is that since his home is nicer that John the Baptist's home, he's more important. His narcissism knows no bounds, yet people in the crowd keep saying "Amen!" every five seconds. It's a clown show.
Then John drops a bombshell...Jesse's home was built by none other than Jesus Himself! Wow...Jesse must be important. Apparently Jesus didn't build John's house, because he's not as important as Jesse. Here you have to think about the people in the crowd, who don't get up and walk out en masse when they hear him saying this shit, but they eat it up. For one thing it's blasphemy, but I guess it doesn't matter.
So then King David comes along to show Jesse his heavenly home. As they're standing in the foyer admiring a hand-carved table that Jesus also made for Jesse, Jesus walks in. "Hi Jesse. Thanks for coming" he says, of course. Jesus goes on to say that he carved the table and made a pair of golden eagles just for Jessee, and that he put just a touch of his own thing into the project, but made sure to let Jesse's tastes shine through, because after all, Jesse's wishes are more important than Jesus' wishes.
He's just setting 'em up and knocking 'em by one we're finding out that Jesse Duplantis is more important than most of the major figures in the Bible. As Jesse notes the splendor of his home, he proclaims "My GOD, I'm doing well for myself!" "Yes you are" Jesus replies. Most people would laugh at his narcissism and bullshit, but not his followers.
Narcissists, since they have no empathy and are unable to put themselves in anyone else's shoes, can't understand how others view them and how ridiculous their stories are. As spooky as it is, narcissists actually believe their own lies, and therefore expect everyone else to as well. They keep telling these grandiose stories, expecting everyone else to believe them and go along with them.
Sadly his clown-audience does believe him, or this would be a lot funnier. I guess anyone who's stupid enough to send money to these clowns when they should be spending it on food and rent will believe anything. And it's not like they're doing an altruistic's not from their love of God or them trying to feed starving children somewhere.
No, they're hoping for a monetary reward that's many times what they invested (see: Prosperity Gospel). It's basically like a lottery with fucked-up religious overtones. In fact they should just do the regular lottery, as long as they're being stupid, because God doesn't work that way, no matter what the televangelists say as they're asking for more money.
I believe God rewards those who truly help people, financially or otherwise, although not necessarily in ways people expect, but God doesn't generally pluck someone up from a trailer park and plop them down in the Hills of Beverly. That's not how it works, but there's a numbnut born every minute.
I had to give up reading around the time Jesse finally got around to meeting God. He was talking about flying babies and all this shit, and I'd about had enough. Actually I'd had enough of Jesse Duplantis years ago, but I looked through this stuff anyway, and if nothing else found the most narcissistic one of them all. I'm guessing that God thanked Jesse too but I didn't get that far. I don't know if Jesse tried to say that he was more important than God or not, but I have heard him say in other interviews that God asks advice from Jesse.
What a fucking clown is Jesse Duplantis. He's a deceiver too, but again, consider his followers, or more accurately his victims. I joke about it but it's really not funny, because he's a liar. He doesn't worship God...he worships the other guy, and that makes it worse...he's pretending to be a "man of God" but he's anything but. It's like those guys who play in so-called "Christain Rock" bands. They say they're into Christ and everything but then they wear Aleister Crowley t-shirts onstage.
Sorry pal, but that's not "Christian." They're worse than Black Metal bands who openly worship Satan. They don't try to hide it, but these "Christian" artists do, and that's a million times worse. Like Jesse, they're deceivers. Uncool.
The thing about narcissists is that they're wired differently, and when it comes to figuring them out, or at least understanding that they exist, we can't think about them in normal terms, because they don't think thay way. In their minds they're perfect and above everyone and everything, period, and that includes God, and in the case of one of my exes, even Spellcheck.
If a narcissist says they believe in God they're lying. Well, maybe they do believe God is real, but they can't truly love or worship God. It's impossible for them to lower themselves to even be on the same level as someone else, much less below them. It's not how narcissists think.
So it's not surprising that Jesse would place himself above all of the Heavenly Host, just like Satan tried to do, for those keeping score, but he's really pushing it. I believe in exactly what Jesse claims to believe, plus one extra thing. I believe in God and that He's the one to serve, and that the Devil is also every bit as real and is the one to be rebuked, and I also believe that Jesse Duplantis is totally full of shit. All those fuckers are, but Jesse's the guy as far as an inflated sense of self-worth is concerned. Narcissism 101.
Jesse got to visit Heaven. Saints and talking horses thanked him for visiting, and well...just for being him. Jesse's home in Heaven is nicer than even John the Baptist's home. Heck, Jesus Hinself built it. Where's that clown car?