Wednesday, January 18, 2023

MY Formulas

Not long ago I was talking to my mom about my skin lotion. She told me that my ex, whom I say is a narcissist, told her many times that she had a hand in coming up with the formulas, as well as those for my dog treats. That's bullshit. If you look up "narcissist" on any website on the planet you'll see that first and foremost narcissists are liars. They can't help but lie. Lies are their truth.

 So it doesn't surprise me that my ex would make such a claim. Narcissists are just as quick to take credit for something they didn't do as to deny something they did. The truth is she had NOTHING whatsoever to do with coming up with any of the formulas. While I was in the kitchen making test batches of stuff, she was downstairs watching TV. She contributed nothing. 

 I'm making another attempt to move some lotion. I'm going to give some to several friends who work in kitchens, because while my stuff can be used for anything skin-related, where it shines is on burns. All people have to do is try it and they'll want some. The stuff really works.

 I know that if she told my mom that she helped create the formulas then she told other people, and I'm guessing she even might have told people that I stole the formula from her. It's really no problem though, and people can believe what they want. If I did start selling it again, she could shout from the rooftops how I stole it from her, but if she ever was stupid enough to take legal action I'd eat her alive, and she knows it. 

 There'd be many questions she couldn't begin to answer, like why certain ingredients were used and such. The killer though would be to ask her what ingredients I tried but discarded. She'd have no idea because she wasn't in on it. She'd look like a fool. Since narcissists have no empathy, and can't put themselves in anyone else's shoes, they can't see themselves as others see them, and don't realize how utterly stupid they look when they tell these absurd lies. Again, the truth ALWAYS wins. Always. That's exactly why narcissists fear it. She can lie all day long. If she makes any trouble...she's toast.  




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