Saturday, January 28, 2023

In Yer Face

This is the logo for the APEC deal in 2022. It was sponsored by Klaus, the World Economic Forum and all them. Notice anything? Of course you do, especially if you know anything about history, especially VaVaII. They may have modified it a littl but there it is... right in your face. 

 It's like when we named the Bud Greene band...we added an "e" on the end to make it "legal" as it were, but clearly the band was named after our favorite herb. There's no mistake.

 Right now, all the "Coincidence Theorists" will say "Coincidence! Coincidence!" They're full of shit, with all due respect. It's clear as day. If it were an "accident" or whatever, someone would've spotted it and said "Wait a minute...this is a bad symbol. We can't use it. Come on, people. What y'all thinking?" That's what would logically happen, right? 

 Some people have been saying for a while that as time goes by, a light will be shone upon the darkness, and evil will be exposed for all to see. If this isn't evil I don't know what is. If you still want to say that this was a coincidence or some sort of accident, I support your right to believe so, but you're fooling yourself, and you know it. This is no coincidence. They'd have never considered using even a modified symbol that represented pure evil, if they didn't WANT it to be seen. It's all coming out in the open, and just wait...there's more to come...WAY more. Tryin' to tell ya.

 People are waking up in droves, and they're either going to be for or against this New World Order that's coming, and already here. If you want to believe that it's all a "conspiracy theory," after about a dozen presidents and countless people in power have said that what we need (and what we'll get) is a "New World Order," then go ahead and tell yourself that, but if you think it's not real you should really do just a bit of research into it. You might just change your tune. I did. 

 This also goes to show that these people are Globalists. They have no allegiance to any country. It's all the same thing. They want ONE government, ONE currency and even ONE religion (can you say "Chrislam?"), and they say it in their own words. If you choose to think that it's just a phrase or they really don't mean it, you'd better think again. 

 The issue is that it's these people- the Elites...the wealthy banking families, plus the military-industrial complex and big pharma, are who make the decisions, NOT presidents and congresses, kings and queens. Think about it...who truly has more say...someone worth 100-million or someone worth 100-billion? Sure the leaders enact the laws, but they don't really decide them. They're mere puppets, and again, feel free to think otherwise if it helps you sleep, but you really might want to look into it. 

 Remember "6uild 6ack 6etter," with the three sixes? How could it get any more obvious? How? Yet most people ignored it. A promise to "build back better," with 666 in the title is belligerent. It should bother even non-"religious" people just a little, but apparently it doesn't. It's a very serious thing, and to use it in the title of something like the old "New Deal," something that's meant to represent all of America is extremely serious. 

 Neither one of these symbols- 666 or the former emblem of a certain Party, should be taken's most definitely not a joke, and both represent evil at the end of the day, plain and simple, no matter what kind of spin people might apply. 666 of course is the Number of the Beast...Satan. They're saying basically that we'll "build back better," with the help of Satan. How else can we see it? You can't spin it. It's certainly not something to joke about, especially when it's announced by our president.

 The above symbol is right in your face. Es ist direkt vor Ihrem Gesicht. Whether or not you want to see it or not, or whether you think it's just a really, really bad joke, or something you might want to consider, is up to you. And remember...the truth will ALWAYS come out...not my truth or your truth or Betty's truth or Joe Divot's truth or anybody's truth, but THE truth. It always wins. Always. Wake up.

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