I'm old enough to remember the Manson murders in real time. These days it would hardly raise an eyebrow but I remember how utterly shocking it was back then. It was one of the most brutal murder cases this country had seen up to that point.
From the start of this blog I've been hollering about how the "Official Narrative" is complete bullshit at least half the time, and even though that's been proven thousands of times in history, most people still believe it.
The story goes that among other things it was in retaliation for producer Terry Melcher rejecting Manson's music and blah-blah, but I remember from the very beginning there was talk of Manson having ties to the SeeEyeAy and such, and it turns out that the rumors are almost certainly true. All the evidence supports it, and more and more tidbits of info have come out over the years.
Before this brutal crime, Manson had been arrested for several very serious crimes but rarely served the kind of time he should have, and he seemed to never violate his parole. Turns out his parole officer had direct ties with one of those gubmint agencies. One DA who later looked into the case said that Manson should have been locked away for life many times over for the crimes he committed before the big one. If he wasn't knowingly tied to them it would seem they were certainly protecting him. As O'Neill said, he was more valuable to them on the outside rather than in jail.
In case this already sounds like another "conspiracy theory," consider all the musicians who came from the Laurel Canyon area during the 60s and 70s...everyone from Joni Mitchell to Frank Zappa. There are lots of them, and in almost every case at least one or both of their parents worked for the gubmint. Jim Morrison's dad was involved in the phalse phlag incident that started the Vietnam war. Did you know that? Look it up.
Investigative journalist Tom O'Neill did. He researched the Manson story for twenty years and finally wrote a book that I'd very much love to read. I always say that if people who think everything is a conspiracy, and therefore untrue, would take 45 minutes or so and just look into these things, they might just find that what they believe to be true isn't at all.
That's what happened with me, and it's what happened with Tom O'Neill too. He didn't set out to write a "conspiracy" book at all...he believed the narrative and was doing the book to mark an anniversary of the event, but when he started doing research for his book he had his eyes opened, and he had to completely change his views and beliefs.
Like me he learned that you can't reject perfectly good information just because it doesn't jibe with your personal views. Also like me he had his mind blown. At first he didn't want to believe what he was finding out either, but after a certain amount of research, only a fool could deny these things, no matter how crazy they may sound. They're supposed to sound crazy. IT'S BY DESIGN. Mr. O'Neill would agree with that I reckon.
Another thing that comes into play, and has also been rumored for decades, is something called MK Ultra. It came over with the Germans after VAVA2. It's a savagely cruel method of mind control, where trauma causes the mind to fracture into different personalities in order to escape, in their minds at least, the trauma. It's very likely that Manson was put through it. We know how he treated his "disciples," those who followed him, and it's exactly the same thing.
He subjected his followers to sleep deprivation, weird sexual things, mental and physical torture, humiliation and use of drugs, mainly hallucinogens. Again if this sounds like a conspiracy theory, you can look it up. The EffBeeEye got busted for it in the 70s and admitted to it. They promised to quit, lol, and since that was the "Official Narrative" we believed them. Well, it very much still goes on, as evidenced by the few people who manage to escape it, and tell their stories. Although they come from all over the world, from people of all ages and walks of life, the stories bear striking similarity.
It can literally create a separate "person," or at least "personality," that can be programmed to do a specific thing or things, and can be switched on by a certain phrase, obscure song or whatever, just like an hypnotic signal. The difference is that hypnosis can't make a person do something they wouldn't ordinarily do, but MK very much can and does. Often the person isn't even aware of the other personality or personalities, or what they do when present. The idea of the "Manchurian Candidate" is very real.
So if this stuff is true, then why did it happen? Was it just a bunch of random, drug-crazed hippies as we're told, or was there something behind it? There's almost always more layers if you're willing to dig. For many years I've believed that what O'Neill is saying was true, and another pivotal thing happened allegedly for the same reason...to crush the "Hippy movement."
The Manson murders gave Hippies a bad name, and so did the other thing. I was half a decade or so too late to have been an authentic Hippy, although I knew quite a few and certainly adopted many of their philosophies, which I mostly hold to this day. Even though I knew that in no way did Manson represent Hippy ideals, it still left a bad taste in my mouth. I can only imagine how bad of a taste it must have been to people who didn't like Hippies to start with. Wow, man...far out.
The other thing that happened, which most people still believe happened organically, was the introduction to the public of massive quantities of hallucinogens, chiefly acid. Who was allegedly responsible? That's right...the Hippies. What got the ball rolling was the infamous "Kool-Aid Acid Tests." They were hosted by a band from San Fransisco fronted by a guitarist named Jerry. They were basically huge house parties where Jerry's band played for free, and massive amounts of acid were passed out...a taste test if you will.
If all this is true, and someone in power wanted to discredit the "Hippy Movement," what better ways to do it than make them look like murderers, and for good measure get them all tripping their brains out? That's what they did. Some of it was made in basements, like the "Official Narrative" says...that is, if you were a skilled chemist and could afford expensive lab equipment, but the market was flooded. It was cheap and plentiful, and for a short while it was legal.
People who think that the massive amounts of acid came from homemade labs just don't realize how much there was back then. Some say it was introduced into the public by the gubmint. Isn't that wild? All's I'll say is look into it for yourself. Basement labs couldn't have supplied all the acid that made it into circulation.
Some time in the early 90s I started hearing that this guy Jerry, whose band was now internationally known and a household name in the US, had direct ties to the EffBeeEye. I thought it was ludicrous at first, but then more and more info came in. One day I got the story from as close to directly from the horse's mouth as one can get. It's a small world, and one of Jerry's BFFs also happens to be one of mine. Hardcore fans of this band will know who he is immediately, but I won't mention his name.
He grew up in California with Jerry and all that gang. He never abandoned his ideals and such, but he decided to become a professional, and settled on a job here in town. If anyone knows the story it is he. As close as we are, I knew he might be reluctant to answer my burning question, so I sprung it on him, to see his reaction, and I got it.
One day we were talking about Jerry and his band, and out of the blue I asked "So, does Jerry have anything to do with the feds?" I got my answer without him saying anything, and he knew it. "I can't say he doesn't" he replied. "He has a lot going on." Indeed. It would seem to lend credence to this narrative, "official" or not.
So even if most people didn't believe that Hippies were typically killers, many people thought of them as dirty, aimless and stoned out of their minds on drugs, and granted many were, but some had enough sense to at least not throw their lives away for some drug that was known to destroy the mind, body and soul.
Many people thought of acid as the worst drug of all, when it's actually known to be one of the least harmful, physically anyway, in terms of addiction, harmful effects on the body and such. Back in elementary school they told us that if women who took acid would have "frog babies." Hey, come to think of it...that would be an excellent name for a band, or at least a record. Oh, the deeper meaning...
Although lots and lots of people took acid, especially back then, the majority of people never tried it, but they knew the general effects...hallucinations, doing crazy things like running around naked and whatnot. If the plan was to discredit Hippies, what better way than to make the general public think that they were always out of their minds, thereby making anything logical or positive they might say seem invalid. Who'd believe people who were always seeing things that weren't there?
So then the question becomes why would they want to discredit the Hippies? It's because the people in power knew that they were right about a lot of things, and those things went against the bad guys' agenda. All this "Green" environmental bullshit they try to blame us for...WE were the original "Green" people, and if the things we stood for had come to pass, many, many of these corporations wouldn't exist, and lots of them do NOT have our best interest at heart, no matter what they'd have us believe.
The Hippies may have been a bit naive, but many of their beliefs were solid, as were the things they fought for, but ultimately lost the battle. We were at the forefront of the organic movement, and after we saw the results, and saw that it was true recycling, we thought the whole world would go organic, but of course the chemical/"agricultural" companies wouldn't have that.
We clearly know the harmful effects of the thousands of chemicals used in agriculture, and if the world had gone to organic growing, most of that would've been eliminated. There are exceptions where some chemicals are needed, but they could've been made naturally. If people try to tell you that using chemicals is better, they're full of shit.
Once more, the proof is in the pudding, as it were. Food grown in soil that isn't contaminated with insecticides, herbicides, fungicides and every other kind of genocides is MUCH more nutritious than food grown with chemicals. For one thing these poisons leave residue that we consume. Some can be washed off but many pesticides and such are systemic, which means that they're taken up by the plants and can't be washed off. Some harmful chemicals are neutralized by cooking, but many aren't. They're horribly toxic.
It's a small world, and my dad, who was anything but a Hippy, was on a committee that was trying to het power companies to bury power and telephone lines all across the US, wherever possible. Guess who lobbied against it, and won...go ahead...take a guess. It was the lumber industry. You know, the ones who make the poles that hold up the above-ground lines. The ones that fall by the thousands during storms, cutting off power to millions. The ones that cause thousands of deaths each year in accidents. It may have also been the steel industry, but I only remember the lumber industry.
Except for repairs, which is a consideration, it would've been one-and-done, at least when it came to losing power due to falling poles, and trees, which fall on the lines which would've been buried, had my dad and them gotten their way. It wouldn't have been practical everywhere but much of it could've been buried. They'd have to have made the cables tougher and it would've cost more initially but save millions of dollars in the long run, not to mention LIVES. But it would've cost the corporations billions, and they couldn't have that. It made perfect sense to the consumers but not to the industries, and they won.
So, the Hippies had some good ideas...so what? Why try to completely discredit them? Because some of their ideas and ideals were starting to creep into the general public, and The Powers That Be couldn't have that. If yet again it sounds like a conspiracy, think about all the lingo we use to this day, that came straight from the Hippies. "Tripping," "geeked," "jonesing." "score," "fire" and many other words and terms that now don't necessarily mean drug use, came straight from all that.
The Hippies and musicians were the first people to publicly speak out against things like war, and the people who make ammo, and sell to BOTH sides, couldn't have that. Not that the general public wanted war, but the Hippies really caused more people to speak out. The Hippies were among the first to start calling "Bullshit" and questioning things, which BTW has gone back out of style.
Too much of the Hippy ethic, just like the lingo, was starting to creep into society at large, and TPTB couldn't have it. Living in a much more harmonious, natural and safer way would've cost these corporations trillions by now. Think about it. Our way was better, and a HELL of a lot less toxic, but it went against the plan.
Back then things could've gone either way. The Hippies were making it happen, and TPTB had to try to stop it. In the early 70s we came so close to legalizing pot that the cigarette companies, who planned to manufacture marijuana cigarettes alongside the regular ones, actually did some test runs of packs that were meant to hold twenty Class-A Marijuana Cigarettes, as it said on the label. I've seen them come up occasionally on eBay. The whole country could've swung toward our side, and the bad guys knew it.
It should've been a question of what was best for the people, and what made the most sense, and if the people in control truly cared about us they'd go with it immediately, but it's all about what's best for the corporations. It's just how it is. Follow the money. Apparently it was better to have telephone poles everywhere and kill millions and cause billions in damage than to deny the lumber industry its fortune.
They had no choice to try and kill the Hippy movement. It went against their narrative and it would've cost them trillions of dollars. But mind-fucking someone into committing a gruesome act, and introducing powerful hallucinogens to the public in vast quantities, among other stunts, just to take down a group who went against their plans? Absolutely. If you knew how close we came to going totally in the opposite direction, it'd make perfect sense. There are evil people who'll stop at NOTHING to achieve their goals. Unfortunately they're the ones who make the rules.
The Hippies were about to turn the tide in this country, so they had to be stopped. The entire Hippy ethic wasn't completely killed off, and lives on in good people, but the tide was turned against Hippies, and therefore what they stood for. Our world could've been SO much better. The Hippies were right. Have a nice day.