Sunday, June 24, 2018


I'm about to fire up the old faithful JuicemanII and make a batch of fresh juice for the first time in several years. I was into it big time for several years until economic conditions put a halt to it. I never felt better than when I juiced. This won't be one of my usual long-winded posts (you're welcome) because I'm about to get on it and I'm excited. Today we'll be juicing carrot, celery, radish, dandelion, beets with greens, parsley, apple, ginger and a couple things I can't remember; all-organic of course. I'll be feeling like a million bucks in less than half an hour. That rocks. I'll be back with a report later, as soon as I finish leaping tall buildings in a single bound and outrunning locomotives and stuff. "To your very good health." - Keith Emerson

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