Friday, June 1, 2018

Binary a No-No?

A few days ago I posted this crazy screen capture from to my YouTube channel. The site tracks incoming meteors, and it will also sometimes register other things, including solar and electromagnetic energy, the ISS, possible but unlikely local interference, etc. This shows an unknown energy source of massive proportions that's completely pegging the graph. It got a few comments. One of my friends commented that she couldn't see any of the other comments, and when I went to look they were gone. That's a tad unsettling.
 I couldn't even remember exactly what was said except that my friend Patrick was joking about having to repair his spacesuit or something and I said something about upgrading from duct tape to gaffer's tape (lol) but it was just a bunch of goofing.
 The comments, except for the one about comments not being visible, had been removed from public view but they were still in the dashboard so I pulled them up to see what I could have possibly said to have them taken down, and there it was. I'd sent Patrick a reply in binary. Maybe that sounds strange but he's an incredibly smart man with a great sense of humor. It was just a joke about being a robot. I just popped over to Google Translate and entered the first phrase that came to mind. No biggie. The ones and zeros themselves were the punchline and it wasn't necessary to even translate it back to text. What's the big deal? Was I supposed to be sending "secret code" to Patrick via YT comments? That's funny.
 As first I thought I'd said "Have a nice day" because I say that a lot but then I remembered I'd said "Heads-up." I meant keeping an eye out for meteors. Am I back in elementary school with my decoder ring? Then where's my cereal? If I actually wanted to send a secret message, how stupid would I have to be to use binary? Man. Is this a bit invasive? Yep. Is it creepy? Yes it is. Am I concerned for our children's future? You bet your ass I am. You should be too. No joke. 01001000 01100001 01110110 01100101 00100000 01100001 00100000 01101110 01101001 01100011 01100101 00100000 01100100 01100001 01111001 00101110 00001101 00001010 00001101 00001010.

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