Friday, July 6, 2018

Funny Things I Thought when I was a Kid

I ditched kids' music in favor of grownup music at a very early age. That was great except for the fact that I couldn't always understand the lyrics or the message as well as kids' songs. I was just a little nipper when the Beatles hit. There are countless examples of what I call "misthunk lyrics" and like all such cases some were kinda funny.
 Being the intelligent adult I am today I know that "Roll over Beethoven" meant to change the record from Classical music to R&B. Back then I thought it meant that if Beethoven heard the Beatles he'd roll over in his grave. Lol. Boy was I a naive little kid. Actually it's probably how it is. When people walk through the cemetary where he's buried, they hear a faint voice saying "Wilst thou turneth that infernal shit off?" Rock on.

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