Saturday, January 13, 2018


I didn't see it myself, but I heard that my bro-in-law got into a heated debate with someone over something he was saying was bullshit. As usual he was basically putting down people with different opinions that his esteemed ones, and some guy took him up on it. I'm not surprised. As long as I've known him he says that anything that you can't see, hear, touch. eat or fuck isn't real. I get that and he's far from alone in those "enlightened" beliefs, even though I say it's statistically impossible, and for the record I've always tried to avoid people who put others down and trying to show their intelligence at the same time. To me all it shows is their ass.
 I don't enjoy talking to him very much because he has a way of making you feel stupid for asking a question about something he's studied for years. He's the best computer tech I've ever known but ironically he's the last person I'd ever ask a computer question of. Also he'll come at me on my Facebook page and accuse me of this and that and basically being an idiot. I welcome a difference of opinion, and as I've said before I'd love nothing more that to debate him in a formal setting where he'd be forced to show me the same respect that up until now anyway I've shown him. If he did shit like coming at me over things like Autism rates for example, and he didn't have his facts together but pretends he does, I'd eat his lunch. As it is I'd just as soon not be disrespected. A disagreement is fine. Disrespect isn't.
 Apparently he said "I have faith in science," and that's when the guy jumped his shit. I don't mean to put words in his mouth but if I were to read between the lines I'd see ", and not in "religion," for lack of a better word. FYI "religion" is bullshit and way more often than not a tool of oppression rather that as a path to God. And BTW, you don't need a church building or Mother Mary or the Pope or "religion" or anything else to get to God. It's a one-on-one deal and it always has been and will be, Amen. I have no idea what the other guy said to him and I'm not going to go see. It'd make me uncomfortable, because the fact is I love my bro-in-law, and even though he may be brilliant in many areas I feel bad for him sometimes. But enough bro-bashing. I'll still love him and maybe I'll even say a little prayer here and there and I don't care who knows it, and I'll try to continue to show him the respect he doesn't always show me. I'm fucking FAR from perfect and I've done plenty of shit I regret. But facts are facts and if he wants to continue to try to prove I'm a dumbass, then bring it, bro. I can take the gloves off too. Anyway he believes in science. Let's have a look at science, shall we?
 First though I have to say that whenever I hear the word "science" emphasized I usually think about the classic Thomas Dolby tune "She Blinded Me with Science," Without searching I'm pretty sure the album was called "The Golden Age of Wireless." It's a brilliant record and most of it still holds up well today.  It broke new ground, and introduced the Pop world to Simmons electronic drums. It also helped popularize "hiccup" vocals but that's another story. The chick in the lab coat (top) from the video and I think also the single cover sometimes pops into my head too. No worries there. I'm a sucker for horn-rims. I don't know about science (SCIENCE!), but Nature was certainly kind to her. For the track Blinded, they sampled the classic voice ("It's ALIVE!") from the mad scientist in the classic Frankenstein movie. He says "SCIENCE!" and they used that as a call-and-response vocal. It's wonderful.
 But what about "real" science? First off it would really help if more people understood that probably 99.9% of all scientific research is all about the dollar. Sure, you see these guys doing little fun science tricks for kids and things like that, but if you really think modern science is all about helping humanity, then bless your heart. If they can make a buck off of humanity they'll research it, but otherwise it's all about money. "How can we make this 'New and Improved?'" or "What new med can we come up with to convince people they need?" and most of all, "How the FUCK to we get rid of all this brutally-toxic fluoride?" Oh, BTW again, drinking fluoride for tooth decay is just as effective as drinking sunburn lotion for a sunburn. And I didn't just up and decide that one day. I've studied this stuff for decades, and it was damn difficult when I finally had to admit it to myself, because my naive ass gave it the benefit of the doubt. You see I love science too. I really do. Faith in it? Fuck, no. I'd about have more "faith" in George Michael, and I don't care much for that motherfucker.

 Much of science (SCIENCE!) is Hollywood. Don't believe it? What about this famous photo of "Uncle" Walt and Wernher Von B? Most of the animated shorts done for NASA about space, weather and what the future would be like and such were done by Disney. Sure they were best-qualified, but it still shows a connection, and many people think it continues to this day. While you're at it, why not look into the history regarding who started all of these organizations. You'll be very surprised I guarantee. Speaking of Hollywood, what about all the science dudes you see on TV? Aren't they real scientists? Mostly yes, but with caveats.

What about Neil smokesGrasse Tyson? He's a tool. He's also an actor, and has appeared in quite a few movies and TV shows. "Well, he plays himself " you'd say and you'd be correct, but still he's an actor, and he's been animated in at least two cartoons so far. I mean, come on. I've seen most of the things he's acted in, and he sure seems to enjoy acting way more than some of his latest interviews about actual science (SCIENCE!). When challenged, he's gotten defensive, dismissive and angry. He's been waving his arms around lately and even jumping out of his chair to defend his point of view, while showing absolutely zero respect for the interviewer's. Yes, he's trained as a scientist. He's also trained as an actor. Yes, he comes out with facts, if they support his conclusions, but I've never seen him stray ONCE from the official narrative, and in my day we were taught that a good scientist should ALWAYS question things. I call bullshit. Decent guy though, I guess.
What about Michio Kaku? Good ol' Michio. We all love his pretty white hair and his smile and his calm, soothing voice. I really dig him as a person, but a scientist not so much. Again he's a tool. To his credit and from my observations he actually presents the most usable "science" of any of these guys, but mostly all he talks about is how great this and that technology is and how much it will improve humanity and blah-blah. Yeah, I'd have a cup of coffee with Michio. I'd share a sake (hope that's not racist) or a good small-batch even, and I don't drink. Buying into everything he says? Not a chance. Like Neil smokesGrasse Tyson he loves the spotlight. Again, Hollywood as much as science. Again, tool.
What about Carl Sagan? Surely I'm not going to fuck with Carl, since he's dead, right? Wrong. Hate to say it but for one thing he never said "Billions and billions" any more than Kirk ever said "Beam me up, Scotty." Sorry to burst your bubble but both are bullshit. Sagan was my generation's science guy, and I did spend a lot of time listening to what he had to say, and he did send me on some cool cosmic journeys in my mind. It wasn't until years later that I realized that many of his philosophies were occultic to the point of being satanic. That might not concern many people but it does me. He had no faith in God and that's his business, but he did have faith in science. It's funny how all those years he could look at all the incredible beauty; not to mention the odds-defying perfection and the uber-precise math of the Cosmos, without at least acknowledging the possibility of a creator. RIP, Carl. For your sake, I hope you're right.
But what about Bill Nye, the "Science" Guy? In his case I couldn't put enough quotation marks around the word "science." Bill Nye started his career as a comedian. That's totally appropriate, since every time I see his goofy-ass face I automatically think "clown" and not "scientist." Do an image search and see for yourself. "But that's okay...and he does a science show for kids! How can you rag him?"
 For one thing he's a douchebag. Recently he had some heinous young chick singer on his "science" show. She was singing about masturbation and all this stuff, and they showed Bill rocking out to her. It was disgusting. In case anybody missed a word of all the filthy shit she sang about, they helpfully put the lyrics on the screen. Look it up on Youtube and then give me your opinion of Bill Nye, the "Science" Guy (SCIENCE!). Remember that his show is targeting kids down to whatever age they're able to understand those lyrics. It's one thing for a teenager to see that, but any parent who'd knowingly let a young child watch that shit should be brought up on abuse charges, and Bill Nye should too, at least. He's the lowest of the scum. He's not only a tool; he's a clown tool. He's a dick with ears. If by chance you should ever happen to run into Bill, you can tell him I said so. Oh, and also tell him I said "SCIENCE!" He should drop to his knees, and I don't mean to have fun. He should be asking for forgiveness. That's no joke. Ain't no science in Hell, Bill (SCIENCE!).
 Think about you really think you're ever going to see an ordinary scientist? Do you think they're going to show some plain-Jane, dorky, funky dude who probably needs a haircut and never gets an ounce of pussy? Of course not. They have to make it into entertainment. If it's mere science; God forbid, they're not interested. That's why actors and comedians make such great "TV scientists." Get it? Maybe my bro has enough sense to at least see the opaqueness, if not the transparency of these scientists (and actors and comedians), but I'm not so sure. Sure there's some actual science there (SCIENCE!) and I've learned some things from these guys, but there's at least double that amount of pure bullshit. Google it, Dylan. There are very few scientists in this country who aren't at the end of a chain, and that definitely includes this bunch of individuals. Do your own damn research. DO IT. Yo, folks, this is a load of Pop science. Real science is still out there if you know where to look. SCIENCE!

She Blinded me with Science (SCIENCE!) studio version and vid:

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