Friday, January 26, 2018

Handle of the Day

I've said before that I love to read the comments beneath videos. There's always the usual trolls and angry assholes, but there's also true comedy and sometimes amazing insight. What's really funny is when people post their comments without trying to be funny at all but it's still hilarious. Some of these people could do standup. Sometimes even their YouTube names are funny.
 Sally was watching videos last night and she laughed and said "Here's one for you. 'Mr Go Fuck Yourself.'" "Nice" I said and asked whose vid it was on. I was really happy to hear that it was a channel run by a guy we love named Ed. Ed is from New Zealand, and he has such an intense accent that it sounds fake but it isn't. It's a hardcore accent and I can't recall the region or dialect but it sort of has a long drawl to it. It's slow and exaggerated. "Ed" is one short syllable but it takes him three seconds to say it. It sounds like he's saying "Eeeeeeeed," with a long E. Good stuff.
 Eeed is awesome. He's extremely intelligent and well-spoken and he talks about things with great insight and bemused wit. He's fun and friendly and really pleasant to listen to. He has a great sense of humor and he cracks himself up occasionally and it's great. What's really funny is that Eeed has a Christian bent, as do some of his subscribers, and the very idea of someone on there called Mr Go Fuck Yourself didn't seem like it was going to work out at first, but as it turns out, Mr Go Fuck Yourself is a regular. Sally was about to crash when she told me about Mr Go Fuck Yourself, so I went in the next room and pulled up the vid. It took a minute or two but I found him. He made a comment directly to Eeed so obviously Eeed knew him. He said something like "Hey Ed! Long time, lol!" Eeed didn't reply at least so far, but a few other people did. Apparently Mr Go Fuck Yourself is somewhat of a legend. After I saw Mr Go Fuck Yourself's comment I saw that there were a bunch of replies so I clicked on that. Someone said "Hey old-timer. Great to see you playing in the chat today." Someone else made a reply to that comment..."Oldies but goodies, lol." I was enjoying the goings-on. It was hilarious to see people replying to Mr Go Fuck Yourself with "@Mr Go Fuck Yourself:" I was grinning the whole time.
 Finally someone closed off the thread with something to the effect of "@Mr Go Fuck Yourself: 'Godspeed, Noble Warrior! May you etc. etc.'" It was a beautiful sendoff to Mr Go Fuck Yourself. I'd expected the comments; given the nature of the occasional Christian leanings, that Mr Go Fuck Yourself would immediately be attacked savagely for his handle alone; let alone addressing Eeed directly, and I was ready to say "Ouch." It was really refreshing to see that Mr Go Fuck Yourself was welcomed like a friend and obviously admired. It just goes to show that you can't judge a book by its cover. It'll probably take some time to be able to top Mr Go Fuck Yourself as a YouTube handle. I almost wish I'd thought of it except that it's a little too belligerent even for me. I do know that I'm going to sub Mr Go Fuck Yourself's YT channel for sure. I'll be proud to have him in my list of channels I'm subbed to. It probably sounds crazy as hell but it was actually heartwarming to know that Mr Go Fuck Yourself is a good dude. Cheers, Mr Go Fuck Yourself. You've got balls, man. Love your handle.

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