Friday, September 8, 2023

Deepfake: This is Bad

This is a video of Ron DeSantis withdrawing from the presidential race, only it's fake. Apparently it caused a stir until it was revealed that it's actually a "Deepfake" AI program. This is amazing but it's not good. No matter how cool it is or what people say, it's deception of the strongest kind. It goes without saying that it could potentially be used to get innocent people in trouble. 

 We remember hearing decades ago that one day computer-generated images would be indistinguishable from real-life images, and I reckon we're there. As interesting as it is it gives me a bad feeling. Is it paranoia? Of course not. People have been framed since the dawn of Man. This just potentially takes it to the highest level so far. 

 They say there are already laws to protect this kind of thing, and I'm not surprised. As we know, Obama signed into a law a bill making the use of propaganda (deception) on our own people legal, in the interest of "national security." Boy, there's a catchall if there ever was one. "We can screw you and bullshit you but it's okay because the nation is secure." Cough-coughBULLSHITcough-cough. 

 What's interesting when you compare the Good Book to what's happening today, besides the Book of Revelation being a laundry list for what's happening right now, I can see the technology that could be used to make those things happen. It says that Cristians will be heavily persecuted, and what better way than Deepfake? Fortunately the book also says not to fear, because these things must happen before the so-called return of Christ. Like Deepfake, I believe the Beast System had already arrived, and things on this planet are about to become a true Shitshow. No fear though, and have a nice day. 

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