Saturday, September 9, 2023

Cosmic Coincidences #3,628,573,974,729,274,074,729,973,239,628,853,238,861

About six months or so ago I got one of these Shungite bracelets. Shungite is an interesting mineral that comes only from one place in Russia. It has many qualities attributed to's used to purify water and it is said to be able to block some types of harmful frequencies and radiation in large enough amounts, among other things.

 I just got it because I like rocks and I think it looks cool. They carve it into round beads and all sorts of shapes but I like the natural form. It's like something the Flintstones would wear. It's tumbled but otherwise it's "raw." I'll admit that there's a bit of the Woo-Woo factor...somehow Shungite "speaks" to me, for what it's worth. I like it.

 It came strung on a temporary elastic band, and I'd planned to restring it with hemp cord, but the holes were too small. I haven't gotten around to getting some thinner cord so I left it on the elastic. I knew it'd break at some point but I figured I'd restring it eventually, and I didn't think about it again. 

 This afternoon I noticed it and I was wondering how long it would be before it broke. Just then it broke. My arm was bent at the elbow and in front of my stomach. I felt a little tickle on my wrist, like a bug had landed on it or something. I looked down and saw the bracelet come apart right before my eyes. It didn't snap or get stretched and I didn't touch it. The rocks slid off the band and onto the floor. I had to laugh. What're the odds? At times I think the Universe has a sense of humor. That was a trip. THIS HAS BEEN A COINCIDENCE. 


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