Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Demon Inside #3

Here's another individual who has a demon inside. This one's easy. As I've said before, I've always heard that the longer someone is possessed by a demon, the more their face takes on the appearance of the demon inhabiting them. I present this nasty creature, and I rest my case.

 People will say that there's no such thing as demons, and that this...whatever you call it, is on drugs, or has a "chemical-imbalance," or is off his meds or just an angry asshole or any number of, he has a demon inside. 

 If you think demons aren't real, that's fine, but I believe that pretty soon, this kind of thing will manifest in front of everyone's eyes, in person, and they won't be able to deny it, no matter what their beliefs.

 My guys say that before too long, we'll be able to tell what a person is truly like on the inside, just by looking at the outside, and I believe that 100%. The eyes really are the windows to the soul, and I see torment in these. This is way beyond anger. 

 Buckle up, get right with God, and have a nice day. 

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