Monday, May 31, 2021


[ ]There's talk of Bud Greene getting back together after a quarter-century to play a few shows. It's always been on the back burner but Greg, the guitarist, moved out west not long after we broke up. Two Christmases ago a bunch of us ran into each other when another friend of ours, Bert, was playing in town, and we talked about it then. It wouldn't have been out of the question to help cover a flight here and back to do a gig or two, but out of the blue about a month ago Greg called and said that he'd gotten divorced and had moved back here. Of course the subject of a reunuion came up. He said he'd have to knock the rust off but he'd be ready in a month or two, and he was all over the idea. [ ]Sadly Matt, our percussionist, passed-away suddenly some years ago, but I know he'd be in if he were here. May God rest his hilarious soul. Speaking of Matt it was always my vision over the years since he passed that if we ever did do a reunuion, we'd have to try to get one of his congas, if his brother didn't hock every bit of his shit to buy dope, and set it up on stage with a small floodlight, maybe blue, on it. That'd be poingnant. Anyway that just leaves O', and I see no reason he'd say no. He'd do it for the money if nothing else, and there will be money made. [ ]We had a pretty serious following, and I still hear from some of our fans in town, and they're all over it too. Doug put something up about it on Facebook and he said he heard from lots of people and they sounded really excited. Around the same time we went to see Bert play he came back into town to do a Dollar-Seven Band reunuion and I went to that. He plays in Bonerama now so he's big-time, but he's still humble enough to see his old buds. $1.07 turned into Bud Greene, so I saw the same people at the show, and the people I talked to were digging the band, but they were WAY more excited about a Bud Greene reunuion. With all the hype I can almost guarantee the first show, if it happens, will be packed. [ ]The only problem, for me anyway, is that I don't reckon I'll be able to make it. I haven't touched my drums in 11 months, and it's been making me very unhappy. My back is fried, and without some sort of medical intervention, which ain't gonna happen, I'm out. I was all pumped at first, thinking surely I could figure something out (but really knowing I probably couldn't), but reality has set in, even though it hasn't fully sunk-in. I'd hoped to play at least one more gig with somebody...anybody...just so I could go out with a bang, and what better way than Bud Greene. Oh, well. [ ]They'll be fine. I bet they'll get Joe. I replaced him in $1.07 when he left. In some ways he's a much better drummer and they'll probably sound better on some stuff that I couldn't play worth a shit. They'll have a blast. I guess I could go and sing a couple of the songs I used to sing, but my place should be behind the drums. If they do play I don't know if I'd want to go, but I'll support them any way I can. I'm still losing weight, and energy, anyway, so there's realistically no way I can make it happen. Too bad. I could've used it. Smoke one for me.

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