Monday, May 3, 2021

How I Spent My Stimulus Check

[ ]I still have to buy bottles, labels and shrink bands for my lotion and lip balm, and when it's all said and done I'll have spent my stimulus check, and change, to get ingredients and such to make the stuff, and I'll be giving it away for free. I could've spent maybe $400 and gotten enough stuff to make enough for myself and a few family members, but I wanted more people to have it, so I went all-out. Or all-in as they say these days. I've already given some away and mailed out some to several people and I'm sending out more this week. I'm even paying for postage. [ ]If I did sell it I'd get $20 for the lotion and $12 or maybe $15 for the lip balm. It has several additional essential oils, and they ain't cheap. It might sound like a lot at first, until people see that it only takes a few drops, so it'll last a long time, not to mention when they see how it works, and realize that they can replace every single skin-care product in their cabinet with just one bottle. I saw other high-end lotions going for anywhere from about $15 all the way up to well over $50, and under the heading of "Best Lip Balms for 2021" I saw lip balms of the same size starting at about $7 and going up to well over $30, so I'm not out of line, and again, I compared formulas and nothing else can even touch mine for quality, effectiveness of ingredients, purity, plus love and soul. My shit is the shit. [ ]As usual I didn't cut any corners and I searched the globe for the finest, certified-organic ingredients I could find. There's nothing like this stuff anywhere else, and that goes for the lotion and lip balm both. I'm proud of them. I spent all that money on all this stuff, just to give it away for free. There's something serioulsy-ass wrong with me.

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