Saturday, August 22, 2020

Cashle$$ Society

 A cashless society is otw, and it's going to suck. Oh they'll make it sound great and sell it to the masses, who won't think about the implications until it's too late. "Just wave your card folks," or in the future, when everyone is 'chipped, "Just wave your hand. No more standing in line. No more human interaction." Sounds great, doesn't it? Think again. 

 Cash will disappear and all transactions will become digital. There may be a grace period where you can trade the last of your paper money for digital currency, but who knows. Paper money will end up in a few scrapbooks or as wallpaper but mostly it will disappear. It will be totally worthless for at least a century or so, where then if any remains it will be a collector's item. Come to think of it it's worthless right now and always has been, if you understand the Fiat currency system, but that's another story.

 No more cash...what will that be like? First and foremost the bank (and any other interested parties) will be able to track every penny you spend. Is that what you want? It's what you're going to get unless you speak up. It's coming. Do you really want the gubmint to know how much money you spend at the liquor store for example? Anyone who gets paid in cash (over or under the table) for anything in the world can forget about it. And your secret stash of "mad money," that roll of cash that your significant other doesn't know about and can't see on the bank statement, that you use for the occasional visit to a titty bar or buying a little doob when the wifey is out of town or whatever it may be...say adios. That's going to fuck some people up. 

 And though I've never dealt dope a day in my life I can't help but wonder how dope dealers will conduct business in a cashless society. A couple of people have actually theorized that the official answer to that issue will be the legalization of all drugs. I doubt that will happen but you do have to wonder. Anything is possible in this ass-backwards world we're living in right now. How will dope dealers get paid? Will all users have to get a Bitcoin account and get on the Deep Web to buy dope? I know it happens already but of course most deals are done face-to-face, and in cash. I hear that some people trade things like Tide detergent for dope, but it would look pretty funny on your bank statement to see a dozen cases of Tide a month if you didn't own a laundromat. People gonna do dope so I wonder how they'll all get around it. Things could get gnarly dude. .

 We've always heard that it's a good idea to keep a little cash on hand for emergencies if possible. That option will be gone too. During good times I kept a crisp $100 bill folded up in my wallet. That was my "credit card" and it bailed me out of more than one situation. Nobody will be able to do that any more. If the power goes out and people can't transfer digital money it's too bad. All the little things we use cash for will be pretty much gone. Back to the dope-dealing thing...I reckon the whole criminal industry will have to retool to be able to transfer funds. No more smuggling bundles of cash over borders. They'll probably find a way around it but it will certainly change things.

 So yeah...pretty soon every penny you spend, and what you spend it on, will be common knowledge. To me it sounds like a really shitty deal but it's coming, especially since most people won't take five seconds to think about what it means for the future. If enough people voiced their opinions it could affect change, but I doubt it will happen. It's going to happen sooner than later probably, especially with this Blowvid-19 business, where anything and everything is now seen as a potential germ factory, and money is a big culprit. They'll sell the plan on that basis (fear) and the convenience thing and people will ask for it. They won't experience or even think about the things I mentioned until it's too late. The bad guys all want a one-world currency anyway. Welcome to the Beast System.

  A cashless society is going to suck. Do you really want strangers to know how you spend every penny? That's what's going to happen. Nobody will say a word. It's a shame. Enjoy the Beast System. Have a nice day. 

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