Monday, October 29, 2018

Woman Watches while Men Fight

It always tripped me out to see scenes like this in old movies and TV shows, like this episode of the classic late-60s Sci-Fi show The Invaders (a Quinn Martin production). Two men are fighting for their lives while the chick just stands there and watches. I guess they had to play the role of the helpless female and just stand there and not muss up their clothes and let the men do all the work, even though they'd probably be in trouble too if their man lost. For those keeping score this is the late Suzanne Pleshette; ex-Mouseketeer and co-star of the Bob Newhart Show. She was once considered hot.
 This is just like tons of other shows I saw. I'd be like "Hey, love...get your fine ass in there and help your guy" but they almost never did anything but stand there. I'm sure it added to the tension but I thought it was bullshit, and it went a long way toward stereotyping women. She's only standing next to about a million rocks. Why didn't she just pick one up and later the bad guy on? His back was to her. He'd never have seen it coming. Go figure.
 In today's world they'd have to change these scenes around completely. With all the gender-fluid bullshit being promoted, and men wanting to be women and women men, or whatever you feel like identifying as when you wake up in the morning, it would be a different story. If they did this scene today the gal would be kicking ass more than the guy. Hell, these days I guess she'd do all the ass-kicking, and dude would stand there crying because he wasn't allowed to use the ladies' restroom. That's fucked-up. Guess what...this isn't "hate speech." It's fact. Think about it...if you happened to get caught in a fight, who would you rather have on your side...a guy crying because he couldn't use the ladies' room, or a guy who still had a pair? Well? Call me old-fashioned (or bigoted or a hate-monger or whatever else), but I miss the days when men were men and women were women. If I'd had a crystal ball back then I'd have taken comfort in these scenes. At least people acted as they were designed. Give me a helpless female over a helpless male any day, but I guess I'm just not with it. God help us.

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