Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Photo of the Day (reposted from an old blog)

I took this photo several years ago at the Kangaroo Mart (RIP) which is now a Circle K in Cahaba Heights. FYI Cahaba Heights (now Vestavia) is one of the last bastions of sanity, civility, serenity, clarity, community, citizenship, common sense and whatever else noble this country was once known for. In case you haven't read the summary of this blog you can click to enlarge this image.
 I happened to catch this well-dressed young lady waving goodbye to her equally well-dressed friend. For a convenience store it almost looks like an angelic scene. In fact I named it "Go to the Light" for obvious reasons. There's even a sign with the letters "Celes" visible. That's the beginning of "Celestial" of course. Cool, huh?
 With a little imagination maybe you could say that it looks as if the girl in the beautiful tie-dye is embarking on some incredible journey; perhaps even the afterlife, yet she's still a bit hesitant and is looking back to an angel for reassurance. The angel in the purple dress, and for those keeping score she was beautiful, is gesturing for her to go ahead. Her arm is out in a welcoming posture. She's telling the traveler that everything will be okay. To me it's a remarkable image but I can certainly see it being viewed as nothing more than two hot babes, and I can't disagree. I say it's angelic; all things considered. It's at least "techgelic." I may not know shit from apple butter but those look like high-end dresses to me, if nothing else.
 In any case always go toward the light, but make sure the light is right. If you don't know what that means, I can almost guarantee that at some point you will. What counts is at what  point "some point" is. Beware the light-bearer, as cra-cra as that may sound. Otherwise love and light are absolutely key, and positive thoughts cancel out negative ones. And, the veil is lifting. You'll get that too soon enough. Have a blessed day.

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