Monday, July 30, 2018

New Relationship? Take the "Argument Test"

I can hear people going "But I don't want to argue with my beloved," and rightly so, but the fact is if you're in it for any length of time you're probably going to argue at some point. Ideally you should be able to settle things like adults and not go to bed angry, although it doesn't always turn out that way. Here's the and your significant can disagree 'til the cows come home but if you can't still love each other every bit as much as when you're in perfect harmony, then FORGET ABOUT IT. No joke.
 I could live a thousand lifetimes and never claim to be an expert on the opposite, maybe I should say (for those good folks who may be offended) any sex, or whatever I should say here to be PC, but this applies to any relationship (human, anyway), and you can take it to the bank.
 Maybe I don't know too much about women, but as an old geez who's had relationships lasting anywhere between about 15 minutes to 18 years and has gotten incredibly lucky in the talent department on occasion, I can say once again without a doubt that if you encounter someone who acts like you've become a three-headed monster and an asshole to boot rather than the same person they love only are having an argument with, which is as it should be, then RUN. Run like the wind. Run like your life depends on it, because, I shit you not, it just might. Run your ass away. Get the f**k out of Dodge, immediately. Forget about it, at least for a true, loving, trusting, long-lasting relationship, which one or two people in the world might still want. If you suspect you might be with such a person but you can still put those quarters in and ride that horsie, then DO NOT under any circumstances let it go on for more than 3-4 months tops. Again you can bank it.
 To argue is almost a given, but it needn't ever get nasty. Shake hands and come out fighting, then take the gloves off and shake hands again. And y'all hug. Yep, that's the preferred method anyway. Recently I met this sharp kid. He's 22 I think and he's an incredible musician with a good head on his shoulders. He had his heart broken by some chick who cheated and lied and all that good stuff, and really handed him an ugly breakup.That's rough but it sounds like she too may be one to watch out for, and I really can't imagine a girl doing much better than this dude. I'm literally going to write it out for him and put it in a frame and tell him to keep it for life. It'll save lots of grief. That's bankable as well.
 Find a person who can't love you and argue with you at the same time? Dump that chump. Lose that news. Skate on that date. Run fast and far and don't look back. You've encountered the demon seed. GTFO while you can. Save yourself, and those around you. I wish I was kidding but I'm not. Split with that shit. Do it. Screw it. THIS HAS BEEN A PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT. Have a nice day.

Saturday, July 28, 2018


I have a backlog of blogs big time. Due to blah-blah and blah-blah-blah I've been too busy, but boy do I have some shit to say. Granted at least half of it will probably sound crazy as usual but that's how I roll. As always, have a nice day.

Friday, July 13, 2018

Shades of Black

Sometimes you think a thing or even a person is colorful and beautiful. But then you see its true colors, and they're only different shades of black. Deep, dark, soulless, ugly, demonic black. I just left such a thing behind. I can breathe again. God is good. Have a beautiful day.

Early Beatles Fans

A friend of mine just sent me this photo. It's one of the most interesting I've seen in a while. The camo kid with the Beatle haircut is none other than Beck P.G. She plays the electronic keyboards and SINGS. This image is crazy-cool but I'm not sure why. I just dig it. I'd hang with those cats for sure.
 Please excuse the format. This is really a test post. I recently had to dash into a new place and the WiFi and cable aren't installed yet so I'm blogging from my phone temporarily. More to come. Have a nice day. It's a new day for me. Hallelujah.

Friday, July 6, 2018

Funny Things I Thought when I was a Kid

I ditched kids' music in favor of grownup music at a very early age. That was great except for the fact that I couldn't always understand the lyrics or the message as well as kids' songs. I was just a little nipper when the Beatles hit. There are countless examples of what I call "misthunk lyrics" and like all such cases some were kinda funny.
 Being the intelligent adult I am today I know that "Roll over Beethoven" meant to change the record from Classical music to R&B. Back then I thought it meant that if Beethoven heard the Beatles he'd roll over in his grave. Lol. Boy was I a naive little kid. Actually it's probably how it is. When people walk through the cemetary where he's buried, they hear a faint voice saying "Wilst thou turneth that infernal shit off?" Rock on.