Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Sex Sells (Tоплесс-перкуссионист)

I was looking at musical instruments on eBay. I saw this in the thumbnails and my nip alert meter went off. I wasn't sure I was seeing what I thought I was so I clicked on it and sure enough...nicely accented ones. I dig this. I wouldn't mind adding it to my percussive arts gallery. Lest you think I'm nothing but a savage, I also love her beautiful, expressive hands; not to mention the cool drum. It's perfectly framed, lit and composed. Good eye, bro.
 This drum sounds amazing and I'd love to have one BTW. Sadly I can't afford it at the moment, but a photo might be within my budget. Maybe I should message the seller and see if he'll sell me a copy. I'd be surprised if he hasn't had similar requests. I'd think this photo would really appeal to a lot of people.
 I knew it almost certainly wasn't an American seller because as a rule they wouldn't be so blatant. Sometimes you see scantily-clad females modeling clothing or jewelry, but generally US sellers don't mix nudity with percussion. It's a shame really. This is a Russian couple. They know the deal. They don't care about that stuff and in this case I applaud them for it. This isn't just nudity for nudity's sake. It's a fine art photo and I think they should list it for sale separately.
 This instrument is one of many different copies of a very esoteric instrument called a Hang Drum (pronounced "hung") that goes for thousands of dollars. Nothing sounds like a Hang, and most of the imitations are nothing more than metal slit, or "tongue" drums that pale in comparison. I figured this drum would just be more of the same, but as much as I hate to admit it, due to the breasts I clicked on it. Incredibly enough this drum sounds fairly close to the Hang, for about a tenth the cost. I'd definitely consider saving up for one of these.
 I'm a lover of drums and the female form so this photo made my day. I have dreams about stuff like this. Female drummers are everywhere these days and that's great, but back in my day there weren't all that many. We had Ruth Underwood with Frank Zappa, Moe Tucker with the Velvet Underground, Sandy Whatshername with the Runaways and Gina Schock with the Ho-Hos (the only member of that heinous band I wouldn't want to bitchslap). Oh, and my girl, Karen Carpenter. She was an incredible drummer...a natural, and to this day if you hear some of her drumming (on showcase-type stuff) with your eyes closed, you'd swear it was the baddest dude on the planet. She was that good. She rocked. RIP Karen.
 I'm pretty sure the woman in this photo is the seller's girlfriend. There's another image or two with him playing this drum, and there's a female sitting next to him wearing a flimsy top and from what I can tell it's the same chick. How does one go about asking a Russian guy if he'll sell a naked picture of his girlfriend I wonder. I bet he would. It'd be a compliment to his photographic skills, and also to his hot girlfriend. I'd hang this on my wall. Hell, yeah. A few Rubles should do it. Maybe I'll Paypalski him.

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