Thursday, October 12, 2017

Spidey Senses

I'm really glad I can still get some of my information about the world around me by experiencing it instead of getting it from a touchscreen. Why do any of your own thinking when it's already been done for you and you can just Google it, right, Dylan? I'm glad I can still trust my senses to tell me something, even if it flies in the face of convention. Night before last we went on a late walk. We left the house around 10:15 and it was positively balmy out. After a bit I was sweaty and hot. I thought maybe I'd suddenly come down with a fever or something but then Sally mentioned it too.
 After we'd been about eight blocks I checked the time and it was 11 straight-up. I was sweating and chugging along. I know that it wasn't just the heat but the stupidity, as the old joke goes, but it was oppressive for October. I always enjoy our walks but I was really glad to get back to the A/C. As we were walking in I remarked that this was the hottest and muggiest October 10th at 11pm that I'd ever seen. I played drums for a few hours and the humidity and heat had permeated the house. I was sweating like I was playing a gig, and that's never happened before. Sure I sweat after playing for hours, but not with it pouring into my ears and blinding me and totally soaking a bandanna. The A/C thermometer was showing 76 degrees. It felt like 96.
 I turned on TWC to see if the fires in California had gotten any closer to my friends out there. I did finally hear from George from California and they're fine, but I haven't heard from everyone yet. My gut tells me they're okay so far. There was a woman in a blue dress saying that the data had just come in, and that this night had just broken all records for nighttime highs all across the Southeast. They showed a map with red blobs indicating where it had happened and we were right smack in the middle of one of them. Yes! My spidey senses are intact. I'd heard that we were going to get higher-than-normal temps across much of the central and southeast states, but that happens almost every year, and they didn't say anything about nighttime temps. Nailed it. Yep, I like to keep that shit sharp. Heads-up.

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