Friday, September 29, 2017

River Tides

It's amazing lately how many things I'll comment on to Sally or somebody and then I'll see an article or a video about the same thing, and usually it confirms, or at least hypothesizes what I say. I talked a while back about how I was at the river for several days in a row and I noticed that the water seemed to be flowing in a very strange manner.
 One day I could've sworn that I saw the entire body of water in the flooded Cahaba move as a unit just like water in a bathtub, and it happened twice. I took a video of the river that day and put it on Youtube. I said in the video description that it was possibly just a case of me being tired or even that I was tripping, but I was kidding about that. That's how strange it was though; all kidding aside. I was questioning my own feeble sanity. That's a weird feeling.
 That's the thing...when we're presented with new information that is outside of our wheelhouse we tend to come up with almost any explanation that seems to fit our notions of how things are and are supposed to be, rather than trusting our own senses. I say this every day and here I am proving it. It's cognitive dissonance at its finest. When I watched the video later that day I could've sworn I saw the same thing again, and twice. At first I thought the camera had somehow dipped down and then righted itself, which was highly unlikely but not impossible. Seeing it happen twice pretty much ruled that out though. The camera has flopped over several times, but it never seems to pick itself back up. Isn't that how gravity works? I even thought that my head might have dipped down, twice, because maybe I was nodding off, except I was nowhere near that tired. That's how strong my cognitive dissonance was...I was entertaining the notions that gravity was defied twice or that I'd suddenly acquired narcolepsy or something, rather than trusting my own two eyes.
 Not long after this happened we started seeing images of the ocean mysteriously receding independently of the tides or any natural forces we know of. An ocean and a river are two different things of course but they're still bodies of water, and I did know that rivers can also have tides. There's a big river somewhere and once a year a close Moon or whatever it is creates a tide that people come from all over the world to surf. I've known that for a long time, and then seeing the water empty out of bays for no apparent reason made me think that maybe what I saw wasn't as crazy as it looked. I watched the video again on Youtube and it was there, only not as noticeable. Understandably they compress videos to death to save space, which loses definition. I went back to the original version on the computer, and it was much easier to see, although it's definitely on the Youtube clip. It almost made me dizzy to see it again, and even after that I thought I could just be seeing things and it wasn't a real thing, but it bugged me because I could see something going on that I'd never seen before.
 I couldn't begin to guess how many times I've been to the Cahaba River since I first went as a kid but it's a lot. I've seen the river up, down, clear, muddy, past-flooded, dried up to a trickle once or twice and everything in between. I've seen it like it's been full but slow that it almost looks like it's still, but you can tell there's some downstream movement. Again there are whirlpools and such where the water really does move in reverse as we all know, and I account for that. For the record I happen to have spent hours studying water movement. I made all kinds of homemade boats out of everything from balsa wood to leaves, and I'd pay attention to how they moved in relation to currents, wind and such...sort of like what they do in huge wave tanks today. What's that called? Hydrodynamics? I wouldn't know. I don't have a degree in that. Alls I know is I noticed something really odd, and I happened to have filmed it.
 I'd have to go and check the dates on the YT vids, but for a stretch of 3-4 days earlier this month I went down to the river usually twice a day, and I should mention that during this time the Sun was going berserk and sending out massive X-flares and solar winds aplenty and CMEs and whatnot. I noticed that the water would appear at times to stop in its tracks and even flow upstream. I don't know how many times I shook my head and had another look. When the river seemed to "slosh" as one unit of water, not only did it freak me out a little but again I could swear I felt the "wave" go back and forth in me too. We're what, 80% or more water? We do know that tides, and a full Moon, can definitely affect humans too, so maybe it isn't all that far-fetched. It gave me a sensation which I never would've expected, but it did feel real. It was subtle but there, and it was enough to make me wonder if I was having some sort of short-duration dizzy spell or something. At the time I thought maybe that was it and I was concerned, although I felt okay otherwise. Playing the video back gave me a touch of it too.
 I started this post a few days ago but I stopped because one of my guys on Youtube, who reports on everything from space weather to Earth weather, mentioned the thing about water draining in different spots, and he was talking about a new study that indicates a relationship between the Sun and river movements. How about that? I was waiting for an update but he hasn't mentioned it again yet, but then I saw something this morning that certainly does nothing to shoot my story down. Check this out:
This is the Mississippi River near Memphis, from yesterday. Either this and other images are fake, which I doubt, or they're so new that they haven't made it into image search yet, but I couldn't find any on Google and I had to take this photo from another one of my guys on Youtube. You might not ever see this on the Evening News. Yet people wonder why I get most of my news from these guys. No one tells them what or what not to say. What a concept.
 Looks to me like the mighty Mississippi done flowt ass-bakards. Where'd all the water go? You can bet your ass there'll be a study on this, whether it's ever published or not. The exact same thing would've had to happen in the Mississippi as what I saw, or thought I saw here. It may or may not have "sloshed" but it would've had to stop and go in reverse, especially with all the rain we've been having. If these photos are faked, it still doesn't change the fact that some bays and such have mysteriously emptied, and it's still going on.
 Because the whole thing seemed so crazy and unprecedented at first, I was about to mistrust my own senses. My senses told me that the river was behaving oddly and had even appeared to slosh like water in a bathtub, but I was trying to come up with plausible reasons, just as I've said other people do. To entertain the notion that maybe I was having mini-strokes instead of letting my eyes and brain do their work just shows you how much you can confuse even your own damn self if you can't trust your own senses. I'd have to say in my defense though that I haven't heard of too many rivers sloshing or flowing upstream outside of an earthquake or something, and I doubt too many other people would believe what they'd seen either. Now that I've seen this new information and it doesn't sound completely crazy it's absolutely cool as hell to have likely witnesses a hitherto-unknown phenomenon. For me a good day is when I learn or experience something new, and that takes the cake. I still can't say without a doubt, but I'm pretty sure I saw something incredible. I say buckle-up. Things are liable to get even crazier. Have a bice day.

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