Saturday, September 23, 2017

Morning Has Broken

I love the morning. Most days I see it. I don't need nearly as much sleep as I used too, which they say happens when you get old. Usually I wake up an hour or two before dawn. Not that there's anything wrong with midnight or noon or evening or tea time, but morning is special. I've always loved just looking out into the woods or something, and watching things turn from black-and-white to color, as the cones take over from the rods in your eyes. It's like watching the world paint itself over again every day, and every day is indeed a blank canvas. This will seem as cheesy as the last statement, but sometimes I think about an old Cat Stevens tune called "Morning Has Broken." He really nailed it with that song, and it's widely hailed as an example of a simple but beautiful melody. For what it's worth, the song is in 3/4 time (most likely 6/8 actually, but it's basically the same thing). Three is the rhythm of the heart. I do hope your heart is in the right place. Have a nice day.

Morning Has Broken (studio):

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